Hello From Brazil

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Ajinomoto123, Jun 19, 2014.

  1.    Hey, I´m brazilian, specifically from Florianópolis, an island on the south. I like forum and hemp culture, so thats why I´m here haha. I smoke for about 2 years, I will be moving to the US in the next months, so I need to get my english up running again (I lived in Pittsburgh when I was 16). Ok, see you arround!

  2. your english is pretty good from what i can tell. Also did you protest the world cup? Anyway welcome to grasscity bud enjoy your stay
  3. Haha thanks! Of course, brazilians are changing their conception about the government, trying to show the world that things are not so good here.
    FORA DILMA! haha
  4. No problem and yea power to the people not the militarized government.

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