Hello all

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by greentoes, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. Hello I just wanted to introduce myself, I have been lurking for a while and like the way member treat other members with respect. I came from Natures High forum , which now is closed do to all the stuff that has been happening with the seed banks, even thouugh NH sold nothing , just very bright people (as I see here) with a common cause, growing MJ. I use to be a soil grower and I dabble with it now and again but for the last few years I have been a strick hydro guy, ebbs and flow and DWC mostly and I love to scrog. Well I hope to learn here as well as help a few if possible. On with the grows. Peace
  2. Hey, Welcome to GC.
  3. Hey thanks $neaky for the welcome.

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