A lil while ago, I was on the phone with N, my ex-girlfriend who is pregnant and small slight chance its my kid. But anywho, Im on the phone with her when my cellphone started going off. It was my newest ex-girlfriend who we'll call J. Rang once i aient pick up. Rang twice i aient pick up. Rang three times in a row and ill told N ill let her go n call her back after i get off the phone with this bitch. Well J, Thought she was pregnant and i thought she was too. One night about a month ago we made love and the condom busted and i nutted all up in her. She took a shower n wanted me to take a shower with her but i didnt i was too stressed. Called my homie and told him i might need a few lbs fronted to me so i can make some loot incase something happens with this and he aient know what for. Well last mondayish my girl was supposed to start and she didnt and we were real worried. 2 days later i talked to a sex ed teacher at my school and told her whats up n shit. She gave me a paper with places i could go to get abortions and numbers to call for help and everything, She put her own work on the line and coulda got fired for it. So now a lil while ago when my phone was gettin blown up by J, I called her back and she said good news, I knew right then and there. She started her period. She told me she did and i was fucking happy as a mother fucker. Big time stress off my shoulders. That was the first time i smiled in a few weeks. Now i gotta call my homie tell him i aient need the lbs and shits straight. Im happy as a mother fucker, Celebratin tonight. Got dank herb, R & R whiskey, Natty Ice brews, Gon get tore up from the floor up. Happy as hell i aient about to be a daddy!!!
I am chilled. Stoned, Really stoned... Dank herb, Smoked my bro out who hasnt smoked in a week. And he drank 3 or 4 40's and some booze. He's tore up. Im stoned, Real relaxed. 7:30 right now. Chillin, Enjoyin the day and the good news.
aight man thats SICK! drink a shit load to that then smoke a few blunts! well so far im really high and quite drunk. im alone on a fri nihgt but this makes up for it! now i just need some shrooms to make this night complete
haha yea some shit happened to me like that a while back... i was freaking so hard, and it was so aweesome when the good news got through... happy for ya bro.
Hell yeah homie. Im fucking drunk. I drank 2 40's, and a pint of whiskey. Shit and a couple beers i cant remeber how many. A xany bar. Like 4 bowls of dank. Hahah. Blowed. Crunk. Happy as hell, I was willing to take the responsibilty but wasnt ready to but would yall herd. Now i aient got to at this moment, Big relief off my shoulders and lesson learnt.
Good shit man. I'm just chilling pretty drunk..drank bout 2/3rds of a bottle of vodka and blazed bout a gram of dank through the roor, yeah im fucked up
nice man, me and my girl went throught the same thing when we first started. she was fuckin three weeks late!!! i would go to school and just zone out cuz i was so freaked out. im glad you had good news man come out of it man, i know how rough it can be. (im glad my girls on control too)