
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by TesseLated, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Just take a moment and read it. It has meaning...

    I just woke up from a dream. It was not an ordinary weird shit happening type dream...although it was on grand scale with some other-worldy stuff happening. This dream was about LIFE.

    I found myself in the near future....I was myself inside, but I was another person. The world had gone through a major cataclysm of some sort....and shit had changed....really changed.

    People were being hunted by a Force...everywhere in the world. People basically didnt know when that Force would show up, and you would have to watch all your family, and everyone you had loved, dragged out, beaten, raped, and killed in the most brutal ways possible.

    So people hunkered down in spots wherever they could.....like fucking Anne Frank...hiding up in attics and shit....stealing food at night and living like animals. THIS life we have now was another world away...no longer even imaginable. Everyday was lving in complete uncertainty, fear; loathing what was to come. They would come.

    This Force was building great guilded halls for some spiritual reason they found important.

    I found myself crawling around one of these halls at night, trying to find my way back to my people.....but it was only people I knew from the time that shit started happening...and I saw while they were working on the halls that they had some specific purpose for conjuring a Negative type of Energy....when I thought of that Energy it gave me the feeling of it being pure Evil.

    Now you think...wtf is pure Evil? lol....You know That when you encounter it. There is no mistaking the revulsion you feel. Vile. Like a viper sucking all your life away.

    Anyway, my people that I knew lived in these small compartment areas....not underground like the Matrix...but in a similar type confinement....we lived in a constant state of almost being 'found' because these beings (never saw them) had obtained this negative energy power and were using it to hunt down people.

    Lol...I cant even tell you how real this shit was in my dream....describing it doesnt do it justice...but I will get to the point without details.

    At the end of the dream...which was very long with all this shit happening.....all of a sudden.....everything got sucked back into 'NOW'....right as we were being 'found'...they had showed up.....everything went back to OUR world now.....but everything was still fucked up. The beings had gone though and life was what it used to be like...no spiritual interference ....nothing.

    And I was standing in the road...there was this little 4 yr old kid in the road too...with just a shirt on....and I started yelling at the people that were slowly coming out from hiding...saying..."LOOK....This is your REAL life.....THIS is your REAL life! NOW! Dont miss it....This is your REAL life!"

    And I was crying when I was yelling all that.....but I had that feeling in the dream when you wake up from a really bad dream and you cant fucking believe that was all just a dream...that was the way I felt.

    Life was back to the way it should be.....with people allowed just to live....without all that type of terrible hellish shit going on..no life to speak of...just trying to get through the next hour...living like an animal being hunted all the time. Shit was all fucked up still, but people were allowed to live on their own again.

    TL;DR and also..

    So the point I got out of it: We Here have been given an incredible gift to make our world better without any overt Spiritual or otherwise fucked up interference to rule us.

    Appreciate this life while you have it.

    Really think about the fact that it may all be gone one day.....whether it be nuclear or some other way. Things have the capacity to change in a drastic way now.

    Dont dwell on the fact that it may change, but just appreciate the people you love and the life you have, because it could be over tomorrow.

    Live while youre young.
  2. That was interesting Tesse.

    Yes, too much dwelling on possible future changes doesn't really help you live in the now ;)

    We all know whether we have an intention to live right, and are being this in practice. You can be aware of other people's ideas...sure, and coming to understand your own attitude and attachment to the people and things around you is really important, but as long as we accept that we are already who we are, and just be open to being as true to ourselves as we can be, that should do the trick.
  3. Well described...i have very similar dreams about being on the run, in hiding, etc. i am usually protecting a young girl. girls have babies that grow up and create more suffering Nosuch thing as evil in my mind, just ignorance and fear.

    there is a force in my dream too, and they are chasing this girl because she makes it evident that we all start as infants. try as they may, they cannot steal this concept.

  4. Truth...thats what it was about....but the fact that you have to lose something and then in hindsight only be able to appreciate it is what I think many people go through.

    I think that dream came from seeing all this 9/11 remembrance stuff. I know it was a tragedy, but Americans are pretty spoiled on this front of having peace in their own land.

    It happens in other countries on a smaller scale everyday....I was hearing some interview on the radio and the guy was saying how worried and enraged people are that that happened here...etc....Yeah, I thought...think about what the people in countries where car bombs, missiles, and their own govts attack them on a daily basis. We have no idea what it would be like to live like that. At that moment, I felt that Americans were entitled little bitches to some extent.

    Dont get me wrong...lol....Vets have given their lives for that, and I totally respect it. My own son wants to be a Marine (unfort). He's a child with a heart of gold and doesnt want to kill at all, but he thinks its what he's supposed to do with his life. He wants to protect this country...which would not be so bad if it was this country he was protecting...lol...but I digress...

    This 'attacked on our own soil' sense of outrage just gets to me. People in the world go through it on the reg.....and they dont seem to be 'outraged' by that. There's only so much a person can do when you are trying to work and live, but it seems as if that 'outrage' is just for when it hits home..

    lol...I think thats where the sentiment for the dream came from though...I was pissed off about it earlier...haha

  5. I dont believe in a DEVILLE per se, but I have definitely encountered what is unmistakeably an evil presence before....there is no way to accurately describe it...just as no words will do justice to the opposite Energy...which I have also experienced gladly on a much more regular basis....there is no mistaking what it really is though....it goes beyond the senses.
  6. I was watching a documentary about the muslim community looking to build a new community centre near ground zero, which would also contain a space for prayer. The visceral reaction this generated from 'concerned citizens' because to them, the men who perpetrated the attack somehow represented all the muslim community, rather than just being people who, misguidedly, followed someone else's ideas.

    I have met some of the truest, most spiritual, and gentle people at times in my life, many of whom have been muslim. It's not hard to see that people who act in a militant way represent nobody but themselves, regardless of how it seems or the media presents it.

    I wish people would just step back a bit, not jump onto the bandwagon and use it as an excuse to vent hatred. But then it's so easy to look to blame someone else for the shit that happens, when really, we should be looking at ourselves first.
  7. The oppression of the women in Muslim society is something that is unacceptable.....but that is their faith...I feel really bad for the people stuck in it. It seems very backwards and outdated to say the least. People have a right to believe whatever they want unless it overlaps to someone else's business and well being, however...certainly women in this country would have a chance to escape that if they wanted.

    Extremeists can be in any religion....but the only justification for not having a Muslim center in the middle of that area, other than what I heard were questionable (lol) ties of the man spearheading it, would be that extremists could easily get into the mosque/area and cause problems. That would be true though even if it werent there though..lol. Undoubtedly, if someone wants to get into that area in the future, they will be able to.

    I dont think ultimately that any chance to observe peace through whatever means can be a bad thing....initially there would be a lot of tension with Muslims congregating, but how are we ever to understand each other if paths never come together?

    On a different note, looking at ourselves is one thing.....narcissistic entitlement is another.
  8. #8 Androgenicx, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2011
    awesome man. It looks like you are awakening to the reality and need to relate to the NOW, to be in the NOW and meet life lest you miss it chasing the world and its ideals, its religion and morality - which is punctured- and its imperative for science - which is a new religion- and chasing the future or being stuck in the past. Toke for you man [/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
  9. For me, it is negative energy when I FEAR, and positive energy when i ACCEPT and give in.

  10. lol...yah...i have been 'awake' for 20 plus years now...as much as anyone can be allowed anyway on this plane of existence....Im a spiritual realist ....haha....NO, its NOT an oxymoron....only ironic..haha

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