
Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by morganz0r, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. It's way too hot in my grow room. I've got a 600w hps with a duct cooling fan, and 2 fans circulating, i also have a carbon filter and dayton blower going on in there. The heats terrible, I can't poke my head in the tent more than 5 minutes without sweating. It's hot outside, hundred degrees during the day, in my house, it's constantly 75-78
    but in the tent it's probably 90 or so my plants are doing really bad. lots of yellowing, shriveling, snapping, leaves breaking off, really brittle. makes me want to cry ya know? Any advice, is getting an air conditioner the only thing i can do because i really don't think i have the space for that.
  2. Do you have this tent in your house?

    I grow in open bedrooms.

    You must get the temp under control. ac? If it was me I'ld ditch all the fancy stuff. hang that 600 from the ceiling in a bedroom w/ a box fan for air movement. It's all you need. I know you don't want a lecture, so I'll stop there.

    Just remeber every thing electric gets hot.

    I'll try to help, but your ladies need under 80 for bud in light cycle.

  3. I can't just grow weed in my room like that.
    I mean this is just really upsetting, i think everything is just dead. Completely dead, I just transplanted a bunch of seedlings into bigger cubes, and they're all on their side, the stem is bent over and where the leaves open, it it faced down because the stem is broken and so weak. the other plants that were started in the soil are completely fried. They're getting worse, there is absolutely no improvement in any of my crop at all. looks like i only have 1 seedling that is surviving.

    What should I watch for next time. I have 10 more seeds germinating and i'm going to put them in rockwool started cubes either tonight or tomorrow. then transplant them in a few days, i'll make sure to add some kind of solution to the water, what ph should i shoot for? unfortunately i believe i am over 7, i'll be doing a hydro set up with hydroton, and i want the ph there to be 5.5-5.8 but what should the ph be while the seedlings are in the rockwool cubes?
  4. ph should be same. edit:I mis-spoke. I don't know what seedlings should be in rockwool. Check w/hydro growers here. :end edit

    You have to get your heat under control. You have ph knowledge.


    edit: #2 . I use 1O key texting. 2 is right beside C. 2heck is/was a typo. I've utmost respect in all growers..,Sorry
  5. nice.
  6. nice.

    you go eyecOn...

    we need GG back!

  7. What I need is you to stop trolling me and chill out. GG is gone gone. Go find him.

    I admitted I had no ex w/rockwool and seedlings. GG would have divuldged some book knowledge. People come here wanting ex. I think they can google and read as well if not better than gone gone. Or do you assume everyone that ask a Q is dumb?

    the person that has a Q and does not ask: yet acts anyway: is the dumbass fool IME


    Now ...
  8. I admitted I had no ex w/rockwool and seedlings. GG would have divuldged some book knowledge. People come here wanting ex. I think they can google and read as well if not better than gone gone. Or do you assume everyone that ask a Q is dumb?
    the person that has a Q and does not ask: yet acts anyway: is the dumbass fool IME

    I was responding to eyecOn's post...you should begin to see the distrust others have in you...for all i know you could be a cousin of mine...that doesn't mean your ability to properly diagnose problems is welcome, nor accurate
    ...quite the opposite...you're a worm infesting the neighborhood...trolls like worms.

    keep posting, it amuses me.
  9. Please read edit above.

    Respect to ALL growers. I also try to use proper grammar, so 2heck ain't my style.

    Hope all is well. bye ric.
  10. if its a mistake then its a mistake...

    were all high, mistakes can happen.
    no worries, just looked rude.

    you'd be suprised at peoples inability to search for shit here.
  11. For immediate heat down. Put some ice(frozen water) in a pot in front of fan. Humidity will also rise.


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