
Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by jj420aded, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Currently have a 6 week auto northern lights under a 600 watt hps an the highest my temps go is 86 degrees will this affect the yield or quality of my harvest

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  2. You need to get that temp down man. I noticed some heat stress and whatnot when my temps got up that high now mine don't even go into the 80's. How many fans do you have?

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  3. Simply put, it could.

    Depends on a lot. Strain and genetics determine a lot. 78 is a good goal.
  4. I have a good size fan blowing air in at the bottom with a vent in frnt of it making half the air go up an dwn then I have a 6inch fan blowing in air at the light an another taking air out on the other side of the light

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  5. Try to get some negative pressure in there. Blow more air out from the top and just use passive air intakes from the bottom.

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