heat or not?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by msad420, May 10, 2011.

  1. ok so i had alll my shit planned out in my flower room id run 3 1000w and in my veg room run 1 400w.. all that plus some vortex fans probbally another 1000w.. so im wondering is this to much? will i draw suspicion to my house running this much shit.. i will forsure pay my bills ontime each month but should i down grade to 2 1000w i just dont want any heat coming my way? i just want to stay under the radar.. but alot of ppll say aslong as u pay your bill your ok?

    help me out guys im sketchin balllls!?!?!?
  2. Offset the lights....so you only have 2k watts on at one time..this will help
  3. wouldent that just be costing more than just running 2 1000w..

    so ur sayn that the eletric company will be suspicous with 3000w plus like 4 vortex fans so another 1000w

    i can downgrade if neccesary i just need to know what is the line bewteen them looking into your usage or them not??
  4. Who knows what the line is man...

    Just run things at alternating times...so energy usage looks more like 2k watts all the time rather than zero then jumping to 4k watts

  5. To be honest the electric company could careless what you're doing as long as you pay the bill...

    What they look for is a spike in the bill... So your bill is normally $100 for the past few years, then jumps to $600 a month...

    Small grow operations (1-5000w) you really do not need to worry about in my option... Just DO NOT steal it, and ALWAYS pay your bill on time...

    Personally I pay ahead of schedule, every three months I send them a $500 check, so I'm paying ahead of time... But in my option, they could careless what you're doing as long as you're spending money with them...

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