*heartbreak* </3

Discussion in 'General' started by TheHempress, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. My one and only lighter just died. Right as I was in the middle of smoking a bowl. Now I'm only half-high. :cry:
  2. I really hate that shit!!It's like WTF!!Now I gotta go to the fuckin store to get 1 fuckin lighter.:mad:Thats why I try to pay attention to the signs.;)As soon as I try to flick and see no bick I throw it in the trash like old shit.:Dhahaha:D
  3. Its worse when you roll a joint, bring it on a hiking trip with you, sit down to light it- to only realize that you forgot to bring your lighter.

    So disappointing :(.

    It just happened to me today.
  4. I was laughing at first, then realized you had to walk all the way down with no gas station in sight.:laughing:

    My advice is always get a spare pack of matches with every lighter purchase.But you should already know that being a hiker and shit,you always gotta be prepare for an emergency.

    Learn from you mistakes~Skill
  5. I have just turned my house upside down looking for something, anything to finish this bowl! But I turned up nothing. This is such a fucking bummer.

  6. O I had my flint if I need to make a fire. I just wasn't about to do that to get the joint going. :)
  7. Run to the gas station and pick up a 3 pack :p
  8. Stove...

    This is why i buy the 5-6 packs and i pick up a pack like once a month if not more so im always flowin in lighters. And if worse comes to worse i got a cheap refillable with shit to refill it till i can buy a pack of bics.
  9. At first I thought you were saying lighter as a term for bf and that you guys broke up while you were smoking a bowl.:smoking: haha yeah idk. Yeah tho that sucks.
  10. what i do to avoid this problem since it has happend to me in the past is buy multiple lighter. I get the bic 6 packs at walmart for bout 3bux & i got a hakko soldering iron. I never get this problem anymore!!!
  11. Ok, electric stove. So I had to set an envelope on fire so I could light a candle. And now I'm using a bamboo skewer as a match to light my bowls. :rolleyes:
  12. ALWAYS happens to me .. i NEVER had lighters .. lit my cigs from the stove (oh you can like light toothpicks up and smoke a bowl with that) ....untill one day i got pissed

    and i bought 50 lighters (the really cheap ones) i payed like 10 euros for 50 ..... so yeah i have lighters now ... but .. im out of fucking rolling paper .. wich really sucks cuz i cant smoke cigs or weed .... (i roll my own cigs)

    so yeah need to pick up some papes asap

    peace gc
  13. Talk about Mcguyver haha:D,desperate times calls for desperate measures.:p
  14. I admire an innovative woman :p
  15. Stoner ingenuity. It's in our blood.
  16. Call me wierd but I keep a lighter santuary(Dell Box),where I bury my old forgotten buddies.

    Lets have a moment of silence................................RIP Flamey(hippy lighter) you was always my favorite.:(
  17. I keep some of the ones with designs, Jus remeber times using them lol.
  18. Speaking of lighters,what design are yall rockin right now.

    I got a black and green one,with a wierd type of patern that resmbles the ocean tides and or a windy dessert.
  19. I throw mine in the garbage.
  20. I think it would be an awful tease to keep them around if they didn't work anymore. :p

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