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Head Shop Experience

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by smokeEMall628, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. I was having a convo with a friend on if we opened a head shop how could we make it a whole different/unique experience. A lot of the head shops around here are pretty much the same besides a few that carry a large selection of local blown. We hade a few ideas including somehow be able to actually be able to mouth test each pipe by after a customer handles a piece the store sanitizes the pipe with ozone machines. We just are interested what other people would like to see or make for a whole new shopping experience.
  2. Cheap but effective glass
  3. Hot stoner chick employees are key, got a boner at LHS last time I went... Guaranteed trip back :)
  4. Headshop I was at this weekend, the chick had a pet chinchilla. That made the experience great. So... get chinchillas.
  5. STONER BABE! Works everytime. :ey:
  6. This would be awesome. or any sort of small pet. Hell, even a head shop with a dog would be rad.

    A wide selection of quality bongs. LHS has like, 5-6 really shitty $40 novelty bongs and 1 $200 ROOR which i am not convinced is real.
  7. Fuck that, went to a headshop and they had 3 kitties. I bought some shit and ended up staying to hang with the dudes cause we were talking about shit while I loved the cats.
  8. More girly pieces.
    Seriously, there's such a big market for girly pieces and instead they mostly look like typical New Age stuff. Not that it's bad, but it would be awesome to be able to find a decently cute glass piece!
    (If anyone actually knows of a good online store that sells cute glass spoon pipes, lemme know! Better if it's in Canada...!)
  9. Also, have a cool place to sit down and for people to read cannabis educational books. Something comfy and even have a cute barista working there! :3
  10. Taco Fridays. You buy a piece over $15 and you get a free taco.
  11. If you're actually considering cats don't forget about people's allergies.
    The reading area was an awesome idea tho!
  12. A lot of headshops let you test hit a piece if youre interested.
  13. Honestly, I'd love to see a head shop offer some sort of water testing. If someone is genuinely interested in a high end piece you have, It would make customer's decisions on purchasing the piece much easier if you offered something of the nature.

    Just take the piece, if it has water chambers, and fill it up to what is considered an optimal level and let the customer take a pull. You honestly would probably sell so many more pieces because having a hands on experience with it greatly increases the chances of buying it.

    Then if they really didn't want it after you can do that ozone sanitation that you were talking about. That way the pieces are clean, and everyone is happy.
  14. [quote name='"LeananSidhe"']Also, have a cool place to sit down and for people to read cannabis educational books. Something comfy and even have a cute barista working there! :3[/quote]

    This is a great buisness idea. Not just have it be just another head shop. Have somthing unique about it. Have like munchie food there, a place were people can hangout in a kid of way. Like have some really trippy chill place were ppl can buy food/drinks or sumthin.
  15. One place i go to gives you a card and when you buy a piece they punch a hole in the card. After 9 punches you redeem the card and can request a piece you design and they make it. No matter what it is.

    I'm on like my 4th piece there.
  16. my normal head shop (very high end) lets you mouth / breathe test pieces.
  17. [quote name='"LeananSidhe"']More girly pieces.
    Seriously, there's such a big market for girly pieces and instead they mostly look like typical New Age stuff. Not that it's bad, but it would be awesome to be able to find a decently cute glass piece!
    (If anyone actually knows of a good online store that sells cute glass spoon pipes, lemme know! Better if it's in Canada...!)[/quote]

    There is a lot of companys that could tap into female product lines. Here in wisconsin I've found that animal pipes like penguins and flamingos.... Random animal lol
    What would women like to see in their glass... name insert?
  18. [quote name='"Forked Up"']Hot stoner chick employees are key, got a boner at LHS last time I went... Guaranteed trip back :)[/quote]

    Lmao great stuff!!!

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