Hawk's CFL

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by rohawkj, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Welcome! This will be a journal of my CFL grow. Mostly to keep track of the experience for future reference, but any and all of you are more than welcome to post here to give advice, comments, and tips, or whatever else. Germinated 9/15. I plan to use Lst/Topping to keep my height down.
    For lighting I am using 4 6500k 26w GE Cfl's. My light fixture is adapted from an old ceiling fan that I replaced with a newer one. With a little creativity, I managed to detach the entire fan from just the fixture. A little hardwiring, and presto, the cheapest fixture I could find.:)
    It will have to do for now. My current project is now creating the reflectors or just buying some soon next time that I head to the hardware store.
    3gal container and an organic soil/humus/peat and pearlite mixture.

    These pictures are from day 7 from sprouting. 9/22.

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  2. This is gonna be interesting.

    We have a similar grow setup with the soil mix and we are both using CFl's. We both are about in the same start period. I am gonna be starting 10 plants. I too am gonna Lst and top the plants. I am gonna do the 4 way lst. I will keep an eye on your grow. interested on watching your along side of mine.:wave:
  3. Nice! I wish that I could get away with 10 plants. But just starting out, I think it is better that I focus on just one for now. Oh also I am using 16/8 lighting schedule for now.
  4. Hawk check out my thread. See how it compares to yours. The only reason i am starting with 10 is because I know I will get some males. That way i can hope for some females. I don't want to waste time and money for males. Say I end up with 5 females then 20 lights will be nice for flowering.
  5. you are right for sure, you will have much greater chance of obtaining a female out of that. I'm just hoping for the best. My last plant I grew was a female. Keepin my fingers crossed that lightning will strike twice.:)
  6. Sweet your sprouts look good.....I'm def going to be checking this as a reference for my similar cfl grow.....looking good so far though!
  7. Alrighty, almost 2 weeks in. starting to see more development now. nice n sunny today so yay for that! wake n bake anyone? :smoking:

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  8. Wow, looks good. I also just germ'd 1 seed and planted her under 4 26W 6500k cfl's.

    It looks like you're off to a great start. How long did it take for her to break through the soil?

    Anyway, good luck. I'm suscribing.
  9. From the time that I put the seeds in the wet paper towel and sealed them in the baggy, it took about two days. That was when the tap root was about 1cm and that's the time I planted! thanks!:smoking:
  10. That's exactly how long mine took!:hello:

    How long did it take for it to break through the soil?
  11. only took bout a day and a half to get poked thru
  12. Alright, day 16. started a round of nutrients yesterday. only have time for a quick update today so here are a few pics! ill stop by later on, but gotta go pickup a dub for now. :smoking:

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