Having some possible trouble with Adderall

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by cloudkookoo, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. So, one of my friends gave me like thirty 15mg tabs of Adderall, I've been using them for school, and they're working quite well. Im getting pretty good grades. I take 2 at the beginning of the day, and I feel amazing all day.

    I've looked up some of the more serious negative side effects and a couple apply to me... particularly feeling light headed and difficulty breathing.

    I mean, the light headedness only occurs when I stand up too quickly... so Im not sure if thats anything to worry about because that happens to everyone... it's just the fact that it IS occuring...

    And the difficulty breathing is only very slight, Im not feeling chest pains or anything...

    So... what do you think guys?

  2. Fucking with amphetamines will do things like this. Just don't take them.
  3. Just smoked some weed, I feel alot better :)
  4. The dosage might be to high for you... try only taking 15 mg. I take 20 and thats plenty.. I even find if i drink a strong cup of coffe or something like that it can be a lil discomforting. I get tweaked out... but thats only right when the adderall kicks in... thats the only negative side effect i get from it though...
  5. Dude, if you think you need adderall every day, why not just get it prescribed by a doctor? If you fuck with pills on a daily basis it can't be healthy.
  6. Yeah, I did hardcore addies for about a month and it fucked me up mentally for a few months. Anxiety out the ass, so be careful.

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