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Haven't smoked in over 3+ months. Edibles?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by iamkevinspacey, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. So i yet again come to you guys looking for answers. Title says it all. m

    I quit smoking due to extreme anxiety and paranoia when i was high. It wasn't always like this. I started smoking at 17 and now i'm 22 and just recently quit because of it.

    I'm thinking if i make some sort of edible i'll avoid the extreme paranoia that usually comes with my head high. So any feedback would help. Thanks
  2. no that will most likely increase paranoia.
  3. after a three month tbreak.. a good edible will knock you on your ass. and prob bring more paranoia that smoking.

    at least if you smoke you can smoke at your own pace

    I suggest not smoking a blunt to the head but packing tiny bowls and smoking till you get comfortable

    then you wont be overwhelmed and the paranoia shouldnt be there

    ps smoke somewhere worry free

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