Haven't been so stoned since...

Discussion in 'General' started by JennyFromTheBong, Apr 21, 2016.

  1. So I used to be a heavy smoker (multiple times a day) until about 2 months ago when I slowed down and started smoking only on weekends when I went out. In the past two months I've smoked maybe 5-6 times. I used to use a cheap $30 vaporizer for my concentrates, and actually part of why I slowed down is because it was such a piece of shit that I'd have to hold the button for several minutes before it would get hot enough to get a good rip.

    So yesterday for 420 I decided to treat myself to a new vaporizer. I got the Kiln from Atmos. Loaded up some of the couch glue I had and took a hit.

    I was BANGED up. Any opinions on why? I don't know if it's that my tolerance has dropped significantly since I haven't been smoking as much, or is it just that my old vaporizer was such a POS and this one is getting me wayyyyy better hits?

    I've smoked this same concentrate before and never been so high. I should also mention that for the past two months I haven't smoked concentrates, only flower.
  2. By the Hand of Zeus, it can't be?! Like a crack of thunder from the Gods, have you arrived to us?!

    This was in The Prophecy! It told of your coming! I don't want to go out throwin' around titles here, I mean, obviously we will have to make certain that The Prophecy is correct in your arrival...But, you could, quite possibly be...The One, Neo.:coolalt:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Yeah man, couldn't agree more!
  4. Time to change it up bro:coolalt:.....

    Probably tolerance.
  5. It amazes me how people still don't understand or know what tollerance is.

    How is it even possible to smoke weed and not know what tolerance is. Seriously
  6. Your post, as is, has been less than helpful...so why don't you enlighten us?
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  7. Try Google then. Your the only person here who doesn't know what tollerance is.
  8. When did I say that I don't know what tolerance is?

    You assumed in a post that was completely void of substance, so I asked you to post something relevant or helpful.
  9. Tolerance
  10. Thanks for the opinion, mate.

    Much amaze, many wow, brains too built.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. I'm gonna copy this and send it to my pals when I'm bored, thanks mate!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Welcome

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