Have you noticed how ignorant people are about the effects of pot?

Discussion in 'General' started by Bbiscuit, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Stupid-sounding question; of course a lot of people have noticed that. For some reason in my internet browsing I ended up in the Teen section of Yahoo Answers and found a few questions about weed and alcohol, and my god are people ignorant, talking about how it makes holes in your brain and kills brain cells and gives you cancer after a year of using it.

    Then people bring in circumstances they've observed, like being dragged in by peer pressure or their "burnout brother" or drunk uncle or alcohol poisoning. and thus having a negative view on it, but that is in no way reflective of how harmful the actual drug is...just the peer pressure causing something you wouldn't have otherwise personally considered doing without thinking. Honestly, if someone thinks a decision to use a substance beforehand, and weighs out the pros and cons, because there are cons and we all know that, but obviously a lot of people choose that their personal pros outweigh the cons. I don't get why people don't understand that. And obviously anything you use can be detrimental if you abuse it, like if you drink too much and get alcohol poisoning. Like damn, if you're smart enough not everyone who drinks dies!

    Sorry, ignorance just pisses me off.

    Feel free to post any other ignorant points of view(religion, politics, drugs, whatever) that make you angry or just vent.
  2. Yes I get what your saying! For me it's all about respect. I respect other people's opinions, religion, way of life etc. I could give a shit less what they do as long as it doesn't affect me in a negative way. Now what pisses me of is when someone questions my way of doing things, opinions, and what not even if it doesn't affect them in anyway.

    Now that's what I think is ignorant, and is by far one of my biggest pet peeves.

  3. Oh my god yes! I feel like everyone should be allowed to do what they want for themselves as long as it doesn't affect anyone else negatively. I don't understand why people care so much about how other people choose to spend their time or treat their bodies.

    I have no problem with religious people, and I actually really enjoy hearing other points of views. I just hate when someone is so close-minded in their view they can't even listen to another side. Obviously if you shut down any time an opposing argument is offered and can't provide a logical argument for your side, you aren't very strong in what you believe in.
  4. Yes I agree! Im very much into exploring other peoples perspectives and point of views also.

    Close mindedness pisses me of like no other! It almost seems like its rare to find someone who is very open minded these days. God I hate my generation haha
  5. It also feels as if I'm being judged or contradicted when I talk to someone now a days too.

  6. Hahaha I totally feel you! I'm in this really cool after-school Theory of Knowledge class, and it's a really interesting mix of people; there's this genius adamant atheist, we-dont-have-souls-we-are-meat-machines guy, a super strong, close-minded Mormon, an open-minded but strong Catholic, a couple of Christians, both kinda ignorant, a couple of fairly open-minded Mormons, a few agnostics, and a Buddhist. We also have a stoner corner and the teacher is the guy that's caused ALL the drug-related expulsions and always complains about pot, hahaha. It's the BEST class to come to stoned though, there's just this huge mix of different persepctives and debates about everything, and like the nature of thought and the universe and everything. It's super cool! Except the ignorant Mormon girl brings the book of mormon into EVERYTHING. Even discussions about MATH. omg haha.

    We got into a debate about whether or not someone had to read an entire religious text to understand the basis of a religion, and the Mormon girl was saying that yes, to understand the fundamental principles of a religion you have to read the entire thing. So I brought up, calmly, the fact that many missionaries in her religion go door-to-door with pamphlets and explain the basics, they don't just hand people the Book of Mormon and tell them to read it, because that's not going to get people to be intrigued or understand anything, so I asked her if she was saying that the missionary system of her church is flawed.
    She got really mad at me and stammered for a few moments then backed down. It was hilarious.
  7. Haha I wish I could've witnessed that! Perfect example of close mindedness.

    I wonder if she or people like her will ever just open themselves to new opinions an not get so overly offended over little things like that.

    She just needs to smoke and maybe she will realize this. I can tell you I used to be the same way but ever since I started smoking, I've honestly been more open to new thing and not offended over stupid things.

    That class sounds pretty fun by the way. I'm taking an advanced psychology class and it's pretty fun to go in blazed all the time too. The funny thing is I'm sure my teacher knows I'm stoned but she don't care haha.
  8. well it is yahoo answers you cant expect much from that community really

  9. Yeah, she's kinda strange. She went to Catholic school but rebelled agaisnt her mom and actually BECAME Mormon. And is a more adamant/close-minded Mormon then msot of the Mormons that have gone to their church since they were children. There's a lot of Mormons in my area...

    Yeah, when I started getting high I really noticed how completely different people's perspectives can be while still having logical arguments and reasons. It's fascinating how many different views people have in this world! It's something I didn't notice quite as much until I started smoking. It makes it really easy to completely consider a perspective and "put yourself in another's shoes."

    Yeah, when multiple of us are stoned we all secretly pass each other munchies, cause there's 5 of us tokers in there :D

  10. True, but I see it elsewhere also, haha
  11. That's pretty bad ass bro! Cherish that shit because theres few stoners at my school it sucks haha they all look down on stoners too it's like wtf.
  12. hahaha I live in a town with absolutely nothing to do so a lot of people actually end up going wayy too crazy with the drinking and partying. There's a lot of stoners here because there's nothing to do but drink and smoke and/or experiment with drugsxD
  13. Here's how I see it man ignore the ignorant bastards fuck em. I deal with this shit on a daily basis because of how I make my income and how I smoke my product and shit. Fuck em I say. Roll a blunt smoke it sit back and just laugh because you know what's right.
  14. I don't get upset, I educate the little darlings and back myself up with medical study titles!

    Example, some fool is proclaiming "Pot causes lung cancer!" :mad:

    I go to my List and pull up a few goodies like-

    {Delta}-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits growth and metastasis of lung cancer.
    (abst - 2007)

    Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows (news – 2007)
    [FONT=&quot]Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows[/FONT]

    Then I sweetly ask, "How can something that "Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half" cause lung cancer? Just doesn't seem logical, somehow!" ;)

    To get your copy of the List, to shoot down these poor uneducated souls, just send me an email (bottom of my sig). You will get back over 1000 pages of links to MMJ studies and articles like those above! :D (Hotmail sometimes refuses my List- too darn big! Yahoo and gmail are fine!)

    Granny :wave:
  15. Yeah, I feel you bro. Stupid ass ignorant people who don't know shit run their mouth way too much about the greatest plant on earth. They are just jealous because they are too much of a pussy to try it. If they tried it once, all their beliefs about this "dangerous drug" would completely change and that's nuthin but the truth.

    Stay Blazin

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