Have You Ever?

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by Dizzy, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. Have You Ever Been Crying Or Get Nerve Wrecking Anxiety From If A Character Ina Book Dies? That Happen To Me Last NIght There Isa Certain Character That Been Ina Lot Of Stories I Read She A Big Part Of It An She Was Killed Apparently Ina Book I Just Reading. I Was With Anxiety Worrying If This Person Is Really Gone An I Have To Wait Till Winter Of 2023 To Find Out Lol.

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  2. Oh Yeah. It gives me anxiety every time.
    It's like a friend dying suddenly.
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  3. Nobody let Toni read the game of thrones books!

    I got sad when Dumbledore died in the Harry potter books/movies :(
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  4. Now you know how Kathy Bates felt in Misery. How DARE James Caan kill her favorite character?
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  5. Yup It Is An It Very Sadd. I Cry Not Bawlin Like A Drama Queen But There Was Tears.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Lol I Never Even Seen The Show Of Of G.O.T Either It Sad? Yup The Really Sad Bout Dumbledore Too :(

  7. Lol Misery A Wild Story. I Wouldnt Go So Far As Kidnapping An Torturing The Author Tho. Iain That Mean An Evil.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. You've never seen it?! It's the best show I've ever watched! We just ordered the books. So many characters die in it.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. No What It About?

  10. It's basically about quite a few people trying to become the ruler of "the seven kingdoms". It's pretty much set in a medieval time frame, but with some dragons and zombies. Lots of fight scenes and sex scenes and people trying to out-wit each other.
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  11. Here's the trailer!
  12. I remember in college reading a book where my favorite character died about halfway. I just closed the book, said 'what the fuck' and never finished it. Can't even remember the book now though.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Well The Ting Iain Sure If This Gyal In The Book Actually Dead Or Not. It Seems That Way But Stranger Tings Happen In His Stories So She Might Be Alive Some How Still. I Gotta Wait Till Winter Of 2023 To Find Out An Thats Going To Torture Me Lbvs.


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