Have you ever driven drunk/high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Beauh, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. I've done both, drink driven about three times and I've driven high more times than I can count.

    Drink driving is really fucking stupid though, I feel so immature looking back on it all now. The trick is to always give your keys to a trusted friend if you take your car out and you're going to drink for the night. I never 'planned' to drive drunk, but once I get a few into me I just don't see the problem anymore.

    As for driving high, if there were marijuana breathalyzers so to speak, would you still do it so frequently? I won't lie, I've fucked up my car and hit some curbs driving with mary jane before and it's certainly not 100% safe. Despite that the majority of my driving journeys with her have been accident free.

    Just starting this thread because I remember driving high being breathalyzed for alcohol (I hadn't been drinking), but I was pretty blazed and got quite paranoid about everything.
  2. Yeah I have, but I'm not going to admit it on an internet forum.

    Oh wait... shit.... :smoking:
  3. I usually drive for the sole reason of either buying or consuming weed, sometimes at the same time, so yes i usually drive high. nothing bad has happened yet, and in fact, i drive closer to the speed limit baked (i got a lead foot). As far as alcohol goes, i never even have the desire to drive while drunk. even if i have to go get more weed, if im drunk, i try to find someone sober to drive my car. if there's no one sober, then i don't go. kinda simple, i guess.
  4. I always drive high, it's the best. I have driven buzzed, but never officially drunk, and I never will.
  5. Please just avoid driving drunk, the consequences for you getting home an hour or two earlier, well they just aren't worth it.

    That being said, I've done both, and combinations of both.

    Though, people tend to refer to me as the "fucked up" driver. Meaning I drive when no one else feels they can. Which sucks sometimes.
  6. I've driven while high countless times, and I don't see it as a problem at all. It's something very easy to do, so I have no worries about being high.

    Driving drunk is stupid, but I've also done my fair share of that. I really need to quit though, because I could really fuck up someone's life.
  7. I've done both, unfortunately. I only drive drunk if I have to get home and it's a necessity, because I know it's dangerous an I don't want to hurt someone else because of my decision.

    As for high driving. Fuck yeah. I feel like I drive better when I'm high, I feel like I'm one with the car and I'm more concentrated. I drive high about 83.54% of the time and I've never had an accident, never hit anything, never even been pulled over, and I've even been followed by cops a few times and after awhile when they realize that I'm driving fine they just run my plates and drive off because I have no priors.
  8. i've driven drunk once. even though it was only right down the street to get back to my house i'll admit it was probably one of the dumbest things i've ever done. it'll never happen again, i was scared shitless the whole way home.

    driving high on the other hand isn't a problem. i used to do it all the time. marijuana really doesn't impair my motor skills to the point where i'm unable to drive.
  9. I've done both, I have since stopped ever driving drunk though. I will refuse to drink if I have to drive now. Its just not worth it to me anymore.

    I drive high all the time tho:smoke: it doesn't effect my driving.
  10. regretfully so.
  11. last time i got fucked up an drove i took out a fire hydrant and seriously fucked up the wall to a wholesale store. that was when i was like 15 though. oh an i got stoned the other day i pulled into a parking space and hit da gas instead of the brake so i jumped the curb and parked on the grass:cool: this waz at walmart tho so i went in an got my grocerys and left.
  12. Driving high can sometime be a trip out, or one of the most relaxing things I've done. If I get into "driving-mode" while high, it's the best. I'll completely forget about everything around me, like the way everything feels, the way everything looks like, and I just focus on the music that is playing. That is the best world to be in.

    On the other hand, sometimes I'll be so paranoid of cops that I'll think that every car behind me is one, and I can't enjoy the ride anymore.
  13. I've driven high often with no incident yet.

    I will never ever drive drunk.
  14. i drive high everyday

    drunk? never again.

    afew beers n i'll drive thou cause thats no biggy.
  15. I've never driven drunk but driving high is probably one of the more enjoyable things I like doing on a boring night.
  16. i drive high. in fact, i drive better high. i've driven drunk but its not something i've done often and avoid at all costs. i've never driven wasted, just buzzed-drunk, which is still bad enough, but i hardly drink anyways so thats all cool
  17. driving high actually makes me better at it. usually im way over the speed limit and not paying attention to the road but being high makes it so I concentrate more.
  18. Never had any problems driving high, wrecked my cadillac driving drunk :(
    never done it since...tho that can mostly be attributed to my lack of a car nemore...
  19. I've drivin high and for me theres no safety issue involved. Its easy as fuck to drive the right way high or sober, but everybodies different. As for drunk yeah and it was hella stupid because i only had a permit at the time and we went on a beer run...i still only have my permit lol but this was a while back when we left to get a pack of smokes durin this party...generally a stupid ass idea, puttin other peoples life at risk nomatter how good of a drunk driver you think you are lol
  20. I drive high everyday, have done so for the past 4 years. I have been followed by cops numerous times, probably once a week atleast. I have never been in an accident. I have never been pulled over, actually, that was a lie. I have been pulled over once, it was for not having my seat belt on, nothing to do with how I was driving though. I have been pulled over 3 times for traffic violations during times when I was not high, and I have been in one minor crash where my car went into a snow bank. I feel much more comfortable driving high than sober.

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