Hiya, as the equinox approaches I'm getting a bit twitchy epescially given the wet weather in the Bristish Isles this summer. Anyway attached is a photo taken yesterday & my supposed (seeds were collected from various "sources") sensimilia have flowered, I'm not too worried about pollination, but should I harvest now? I've been growing 4 a few years but this is the first time I've seen such thing! Thanks
Youve got your self a major hermie their. Dont harvest it now, that wont benefit you in anyway. You can either try to cut off all of those banana looking things (pollen sacks) let it finish, and hopefully salvage a decent amount of smokeable herb. Or, what I would do is let it finish flowering, collect all of the seeds (most likely all feminised) and start again next year.
Cutting off the pollen sacks wouldnt do much good unless you plan on doing it time and time again, as the sacks regrow, reopen, and reburst several times throughout the flowering stage of its life, and your plant looks like its only been flowering for a couple weeks. As for the feminized bean myth from the hermis its total bullshit, ive made feminized beans from a few of my crosses several different methods and i promise you just growing out a hermi plant isnt going to produce you feminized beans, unless you spend a few years backcrossing lol. As for my suggestion, id just let nature take its course and let it flower, pollenate, and get some bud in the end with a ton of seeds, seeds for next year at least.