Have I gone deaf....

Discussion in 'General' started by Mvndanke, May 3, 2018.

  1. So....recently I went to a super loud, punk-ish concert. My right ear has lost half it’s hearing it seems (if that makes sense) and has a constant ringing in it. I’ve always been worried about my ears and this is freaking me out pretty bad.

    I went to the urgent care and he saw nothing wrong with the inside of my ear, but suggested I go to an ENT.

    I’ve been to many concerts but never have my ears fucked up like this.

    Does anyone else have experience with this? It’s been about 4 days and I’m just waiting for my ear to snap back but it hasn’t.
  2. See a doctor.
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  3. Ringing can last for a week or two... Hell once you're older if you don't take better care of your ears it may never go away. I always hear ringing in my ears whether it's quiet or loud and it can get annoying at times even though I've been dealing with it for a few years at least. If the doc said see a specialist I'd see a specialist. Maybe set the appt up for a week down the road that away you can cancel if it heals during said time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Sorry you're going through this.

    Back in my days of clubs and concerts, it wasn't unusual for me to have the same symptoms as you for three or four days after some shows. It always came back to normal sooner or later. Since they said there was nothing obviously wrong at the urgent care I wouldn't worry too much, but seeing a specialist probably wouldn't be a bad idea just to see if they think this will continue to happen or get worse with more loud music (or any loud noise for that matter).

    Best of luck to ya.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. maybe tinnitus you need to see a proper doctor.
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  6. Ugh. I had a lot of ear problems when I was younger too. I was trying to give it a week or two before I made an appointment with a specialist, because in my head there wouldn’t be anything to fix it anyways at that point, so why bother....

    The ringing is so loud if there is no conflicting sound that It’s making it hard to sleep, and I notice odd things like chewing food on that side makes it make more ringing sounds, as weird as that is.
  7. I was thinking tinnitus too, or menieres disease (thanks google doctor “web md”) but was just hoping some other concert goer has gone through the same thing.

    I guess not.
  8. Thanks man! Glad to hear someone else has had the same symptoms, still very weird dealing with something like this, the possibility of hearing a ringing sound for the rest of my life isn’t something I want to go through, hoping it goes away real soon, if not, I’ll be in the ENT doctor getting my hearing aide fitted :/
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  9. I wish you the best.

    Don't know how old you are, but I have found throughout my life that rarely is some new ailment serious. Just different things happening to us as our bodies change. You start to get used to it. Still a good idea to get things checked out anyway.

    Getting older is just a big pain in the ass . Especially when you start getting a big pain in the ass! ;)
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  10. Hate to tell you but a hearing aid wont help with the ringing. I have had ringing in my ears for years from having my headphones so loud and not wearing ear protection at work. Try to find other things to keep your mind off of it.
  11. Perhaps the loud noise loosened up some ear wax?
    Maybe a little hydrogen peroxide cleaning would help?

  12. If you're a heavy concert goer then your hearing has been being damaged for a while now. It may not go away. Back when I worked with animals for 5 years straight, I lost quite a bit of hearing just from being in the same room as all the barking dogs. Hearing is pretty easy to damage and overlook. I would suggest maybe using noise dampening ear plugs. If a doctor sees nothing wrong then the only thing to do is wait and hope.
  13. Yes, I think you're deaf.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Could be a condition I’ve had ringing in my ears since I was a kid. When I’m around a lot of electronics it gets worse. Go have your ears cleaned professionally and get a hearing test they’ll be able to tell ya for sure.
  15. I’m an extreme weirdo with my ears lol. I make my spouse look in them every two weeks or so and confirm the presence of no wax lol, hydrogen peroxide is a curse and so are q-tips :/
  16. Q-tips are definitely a no-no.
    What is the rap on the hydro?

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. That’s what I’m doing, waiting and hoping. Urgent care doctors suck lol.

    But I’m pretty brutal to them for sure. Prior to this, I’ve already noticed that I’m “hard of hearing” and tend to talk really low sometimes because I can’t gauge how loud I’m speaking. Relatives have gone deaf in one ear completely as well.

    I really have been taking hearing for granted, I guess this is my wake up call.
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  18. I'm right there with ya. Every time i was training animals there was a huge sign that said ''put on earplugs'' and I never did. Now I have a constant ringing all the time. Gets pretty annoying when there isnt any other noise to block it out with. It's too bad they dont have lasik for ears!
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