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hash storage

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 2hazed, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. hey guys, quick question here. I recently bought like a zip of hash, and i was just wonderin where the best place to keep it would be? right now i have it in its own jar, but would keeping it in a jar with alot of bud be better/have any effect on it?

    Heres a pic of the bulk of it
    And a little 1g ball
  2. The first pic is so bright/weirdly coloured i guess because of the flash. It looks more like the colour on the second pic
  3. Unlike herb, hash has a very long shelf-life due to its density and adhesion. However, the same storage techniques appropriate for herb will aslo keep your hash in good condition because both herb and hash get degraded by UV light and oxidation.

    A cool, dry, dark place is best for storage. Storing it with your herb shouldn't make any difference to the overall effect, but it may prevent the outer surface from drying rapidly. The nice thing about hash is that even if the outside edges oxidize and lose potency, the outer surface becomes a protective layer, preserving the quality of the product inside.

    I absolutely adore smoking good hash:smoke: Happy smoking!

  4. oh i love it too man its the shit! i'll just keep it in its own mason jar then if keeping it with the buds won't positively affect/effect(?) it. How do you like to smoke yours? i have this little metal guy i put nugs into the chamber of so when i smoke mostly hash through it, they get all res'd and hashy-ish. tastes like absolute shit but get you flyin
  5. I have a special glass pipe that I use for hash - it has a very small hole at the bottom of the bowl, so I throw a couple small herb flowers at the bottom to keep the bubble liquid from plugging it. Then it's good to blaze:smoke:

    Best hash ever? - Apollo 13 x Vortex full melt bubble! It's a beautiful reddish color and melts the instant the flame hits it:D
  6. with this hash i find it doesnt really melt like some of the shots ive seen on the net, but it does burn to an almost pure white ash. I was told its some afghan hash, but it gets me stoned as all hell so thats all that matters haha.
  7. also do you think i could vape this stuff in a buddha?
  8. To be honest, I've never tried to vaporize hash. It seems a little redundant to me to refine herb into hash to then vaporize it, but it would be worth the experiment. If you do, let me know how the results turn out. I'm more than curious. Good to hear that your hash turns to pure white ash when burnt; grades of hash are rated by how they melt and combust. It sounds like your Afghan hash is an import - classic hand-sifted middle-eastern stuff that has been made that way for many centuries. The best hash is termed "full-melt bubble" because it bubbles and turns to liquid when the flame is applied.

    If you're a grower and hash officiando and want to make your own, or if you have have access to lots of fresh trichome-covered dank, it is definitely worth investing in some bubble bags and making your own. I use the smaller buds from my stash to make hash and the leaves and trim to make butter for cooking.
  9. the closest thing to hash i'd ever make/have made is compressed kief pucks, which are great as well haha. But i'll definately give vaping it a go and let you know here how it went(if i remember:smoke:)
  10. hash bowl was a success lasted a real long time and actually gave me a good amount of 'wand hash'. good shit
  11. You can leave it in a jar but leave it open or sammich bag but make sure it's open.
    I'm pretty sure when you leave it closed your hash can get moldy or become harsh/dry.

    But don't quote me on that. Hahah
  12. I've heard of tossing it in the fridge, keeps it out of light and keeps the consistency

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