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Hash oil question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Comfortblynumb2, May 12, 2010.

  1. A buddy of mine had some hash oil the other day and was telling me how to use it.

    I didn't end up buying any, it was pretty expensive. Anyway, i bought a bong a week ago. And after using it for a week i decided to clean it. In the bowl stem i'm comin up with alot of resin, that really seems to look alot like the hash oil my buddy showed me.

    Is it?
  2. no but your buddy's "hash oil" may have just been resin. How good of a friend is he? he might have been tryin to rip you off.
  3. "In the bowl stem i'm comin up with alot of resin"

    No, its resin not hash oil. You answered your own question.
  4. hahaha resin and hash oil should be obvious to tell apart... mind the fact some hash oil is dark like resin, there is a clear difference, smelling it would solve it in a second hahahah resin is easily smelled and recognized, hash oil, will be new if you dont know what it is
  5. resin smells like shit. oil doesnt
  6. lol MOST oil doesnt
  7. Ok so if its resin can i use it like he was using the hash oil? He had spread some into the papers and rolled it like normal. Would i get a better high, if i used the bong resin in the same way? such a noob lol
  8. it be kinda hard to roll a joint full of resin...just throw it in a pipe if you really want to get a cool little buzz high,or flip the stem and smoke it through the bong backwards
  9. just throw that shit away or save it for a veryveryvery desperate day. It'll just make you're jays taste nasty, burn weird...just id say nah.
  10. just throw that shit away or save it for a veryveryvery desperate day. It'll just make you're jays taste nasty, burn weird...just id say nah.

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