Hash and Education testing

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Bad_Gadjit, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Hey everyone,

    Well a few months ago I was smoking hash at lunch with my friends at school when all of a sudden my phone rings and it's my mom telling me she's waiting out front and i have to go do my individualized learning asessment test, pretty much a test to see if i have any specific learning disabilties.

    I've done this before when i was much younger and i needed an updated assesment.

    Pretty much what they do is sit you down and time you on who well you work things like puzzles and math equations.
    Keep in mind that this was probably the 3rd or 4th time smoking hash so I could barley feel my body when i walked into the room and sat down across from the examiner.

    When I finished and weeks later the results came in

    I scored exactly the same in all the areas as i did before
  2. Weed does not make you dumber. The worst BS propaganda is the shit that says it does.
  3. no joke my iq was tested a few years before i started smoking. after a year of HEAVY smoking it was tested again and i scored 22 points higher... no lie
  4. time and again this is proven in real life yet no documentation gets out into the public because of all of the bullshit propaganda that just covers it up.

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