Has anyone grown successfully in RH -+ 70%

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by greenpeace, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Dear Growers

    i have an indoor open loop setup in a climate which on average has 70% humidity and 30 degrees Celsius temperature.

    has anyone grown successfully in 70% humidity ? how did you manage during flowering and harvesting season
    i had a jock horror which started to bud, the smell after few weeks was stronger near to the plant, but the bud remained the same size......... i hardly increased
    i kept on waiting for it to increase but it did not show any signs.
    later i had a pest infestation of spider fucking mites, because of them i had to spray everywhere even the flowering plant, which i lost soon after the sprays.
    for now my other plants are safe and vegegging and just starting to flower,
    i dont know if i will still face the bud size problem ?

    please advice what i should do
  2. My humidity stays at around 60-70% depending on waterings... that's all the way to harvest... my last grow my humidity would stay at 80%+ during weeks of flower. Air circulation is key don't let any air sit stagnant and have multiple fans going...

    Also a dehumidifier is also an option... or if you don't have a proper outtake go pick you up a big boy Inline fan and see if the increase airflow helps the humidity any.

    Grow journal
  3. It's gonna increase the likelihood of mold. Can you not get better air movement with fans around your plants aside from loop air, to bring it down? Moving plants around with air dries out the air and exercises your plants. Don't:want mold, especially during flower on buds.
  4. Im in the south, 90% humidity.....mine stays 50 to 70

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  5. My humidity stays between 45-65% throughout with no issues
  6. unrelated but damn it heres everyone trying to bring their humidity down and i can get the damn thing higher haha
  7. Ah don't worry during winter I'm in the same boat with my humidity going as low as the single digits... I have a small humidifier that'll bring it up to around 25-35% depending and I just make due with it...

    Grow journal
  8. Oops lol wrong thread
  9. aslong as it doesn't mean the end of the world with it being low i mean she doesnt seem to be doing too badly i just had to put the seedlings in a propagator
    i had seen that pic before and does seem to be doing well especially after hst i personally wouldnt feel right breaking my lady
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  10. Haha I only done it because it was a bagseed... now I have super cropped my special queen but not the main stalk like that just branches growing straight up Into my light that needed to level out with the canopy.

    I did screw around and split the stalk and one other branch on one special queen.... it's proving to be biting me in the ass too stability wise but oh well next grow I'm doing across these bastards just don't have thick enough branches to support shit... my fault though I didn't have a large enough fan on em in veg

    Grow journal
  11. im looking at that mainling manifold technique tbf gonna go with that i think
  12. Yeah manifolds are neat haha looks interesting but in the end whether you just LST or HST it doesn't really matter... as long as you do what you do well.... my first grow I just LST'd my special queen and one benefit to that was that I didn't have a weak spot on my stem right at the center Haha... but I still made a nice canopy only LSTing my last special queen during its two week stretch. I didn't really do much of any LST during the actual veg stage lol.
    [​IMG]now I will say you can definitely tell which branch is the top on the LST only plant haha... that was my special queen from seed last grow.... she gave me 60-65 grams I believe.

    Here's a more mature pic [​IMG]

    Grow journal
  13. wow i cant wait till i dont have to LITFA haha i didn't even think about the weak spot in a manifold
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  14. Mine was just where it was topped but sadly I didn't either until I heard a snap as I was tying down my branches Haha I had pulled down a bit to hard on them I guess.. a plastic butter knife and a bunch of electrical tape gave me a semi decent fix.... I also did the same thing but a lot worse on my bagseed clone that was huge at the time. it didn't matter though because I was cutting her down into cuttings. But that's why I'm hoping to get a scrog going my next grow so I don't have to worry about any of that crap.

    Grow journal
  15. i might possibly have males in this grow so i dont dare scrog this grow
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  16. @LedRoB82
    What do you mean by depending on waterings?
    Your able to maintain growth through these Rh ? What about curing and dry, does that face issues due to this humidity?
    And the buds, do they thicken properly? What is an average thickening time for buds?
    I have the ff trio pack, but i am not using its according to the given schedule..... Can you guide me as to when i should start tiger bloom etc , some leaves are already getting crispy and burned just like on over nutrition, so i dont know how to feed them and also i have to conduct atleast 2 more spray sessions of spinocide
  17. What do you mean by depending on waterings?

    If I watered that day or it was a rainy week it would spike.

    Your able to maintain growth through these Rh ?

    Definitely in my opinion the worst thing about high RH is mold... though I thankfully haven't gotta mold I do have a lot of airflow in my growspace. I love my tower fan does a great job at giving the plants a nice breeze.

    What about curing and dry, does that face issues due to this humidity?
    And the buds, do they thicken properly? Thankfully where I dried my buds the humidity stayed at around 55-60% constantly so I didn't have any problems really... temps were in the 80's a bit higher than I would have preferred but they dried after 4-5 days and then I burped the jars for a week and left boveda humidity packs in it. Worked fine for me my last grow... more than welcome to dig through that journal and check it out I believe it's good attempt #2 special queen or something.

    What is an average thickening time for buds?

    No idea just let them go until trichomes are at least cloudy with 20-35% amber and you can't go wrong... I recommend a loupe that is at least 80x

    I have the ff trio pack, but i am not using its according to the given schedule..... Can you guide me as to when i should start tiger bloom etc , some leaves are already getting crispy and burned just like on over nutrition, so i dont know how to feed them and also i have to conduct atleast 2 more spray sessions of spinocide.

    I have never followed the nute bottles schedule lol o_O I just give my plants food when they need it tbh... but when I use fox farms soils and gradually transplant into 5 gal buckets I won't need any nutes at all until weeks in flower I mean I had pretty developed buds before she needed any... now I use happy frog and they need bottles nutes a bit sooner but I prefer it that away anyhow. If the leaves are dark green without any deficiency then don't worry about it to much the soil could still be doing here good.... got any pics?

    Grow journal
  18. Sorry not trying to take over your thread but I was thinking about getting a dehumidifier with my RH staying right close to 55%. It stays pretty close to the 54-59% range. Is that gonna be fine throughout the entire flower stage? I've read it's better to get it lowered when you flip and especially the last 2-3 weeks of flower.
  19. If it's staying under 60% I wouldn't even worry... all a dehumidifier will do is increase temps and consume a lot of extra power. I'd just recommend going and buying you a decent fan to have blow on the plants... I personally use a tower fan on high set on wind mode it works fantastic.

    Grow journal
  20. Yea I got a nice fan blowing on the bottom of my girl so she's got good air flow and everything. Temps are warmer right now staying around 79-85 so don't want that raising lol
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