Has any Organo tried this for pests?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Greenbudlover, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. I seen alot of people use neem oil and DE. Now both can be applied in various ways but has anyone tried using a DE and Neem foliar spray with success or is it better to apply seperate?

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  2. You wanna apply the DE dry far as I know...
  3. I was thinking mixing them together, the neem only works at night and by morming its dry ( so.the DE should work right? thearetically a 24/7 treatment?! Anyome tried this befor??

    Sent from my SM-G920R4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. When DE gets wet it cakes down and becomes significantly less effective
    Any after market DE products are crap it's a powder

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