Ive heard about plants have multiple harvests in a season. How do you harvest from a plant without killing it, and making it able to have another harvest later in the summer?
harvest like 80-90% of the plant ( alllll the bud atleast), but leave some leaves and nodes and then simply switch it back to 18/6 or 24/0 and let it re-veg and get bigger again.... then harvest it agian.... ive never personally re-vegged a plant, but i know its possible and people have done it.... not a very widespread practice tho id have to say.... probaly easier to take a clone 1 week into flowering, or right before u switch, and let that grow while u flower ur big plant
not sure that would really do much unless you're in an area where it's perpetually summer. afaik, cannabis is an annual plant so when it's finished it's grow cycle, it'll just die off. in temperate zones, it wouldn't survive winter anyhow. though, unless you either moved the plant indoors or took a cutting to move indoors, i don't think you could do this on an outdoors plant.
OK, Naw dude, Lemme set this straight, YOU CAN DO THIS WITH AN OUTDOOR PLANT. I'd hope you guys in Advanced Growing would understand that, usually low ryders are best for it, but what you do is pick the top buds that ripen first, kinda like a tomato plant, and then let the lower buds mature and get bigger, then pick those.
Staggering a harvest and getting more than one harvest out of a plant are two completely different things.
I'm pretty sure thats the answer he was looking for. That's how I do my outdoors when I have access to them, and thats what I call a "Multiple" harvest, however you want to call it. Obviously you cant' reveg an outdoor plant, so this would be the answer I would think fits the question.
Revegging plants is rad. i have a plant that i revegged and it has so much more bud the 2nd time around.
ur mistaken smoking, u are not getting multiple harvests, by ur logic i could harvest an outdoor plant 10 times, thats rediculous, u sir are staggering ur harvest, as someone above mentioned. to the op: no way to reveg outdoors just grow more plants next season.
All 30 plants i have have been reveged 6 times. 15 flower....15 in veg harvest 90% off each plant then take 15 from veg into floower mix some b-12 superthrive and miracle grow and give em a drinkput in veg 30 days you will now have a monster trim rootball and replant in fresh medium and water....veg aprox 30 more days till flower room is finished. I have repeated this 6 times with same potency/growth/yield!!!!I shit you not dont even have to take cuttings/buy clones
does this go 4 hydro too? i have read that its poss 2 maybe 3 times but that was soil reveg! eney one know? thanksbe laughing if poss !