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Harsh smoke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Yosh139, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Hello all :smoke:

    So I've been seeing a spike in threads about harsh smoke or irritation in the lungs, and I have some tips to help with this :hello:

    ~Drink lots of water before, during, and after smoking.
    ~Try to take smaller hits, and when possible use the carb (if smoking out of a piece)
    ~Intake more air than smoke
    ~After blowing out your hit, try not to inhale too quickly or else you'll start coughing up a lung

    Hope this helps :D
  2. A bong with crushed ice is my tip.
  3. In my experience it comes down to not being mids, and what you're smoking out of.
  4. If you're new to smoking give yourself some time before taking the next hit, especially if you're smoking bud that seems kinda dry but I guess it all just comes down to experience.

  5. Blades please feel free to add on to this thread :hello:
  6. Really hot water in your bong helps a little too.
  7. possibility could be high, or low, but it could be GRIT weed.

    be careful everyone, don't forget people DO, DO shit to their weed just to make it weigh more, look better, smell better, etc, etc.
  8. i dont know, lately ive been choking and coughing like a mufucka, maybe due to a cold im still battling but its always been that way for me, i hack my lungs out lol
  9. I quit smoking cigs so i cough a lot now. When my smoke is to harsh i will just use a coughdrop or kinda what you said breath in more air (in my case i try to breth in cold air)
  10. I started smoking daily 4 or 5 years ago and ive basically never ceased to have wheezy lungs and a cough.

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