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Hardest time sleeping last night without pot.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by trisikad, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Ok, so I've been smoking daily for about a year now, and I always smoke at night about an hour or more before I go to bed.
    Last night, I decided not to smoke, for really, no reason at all. and yeah, it is true, there is no withdrawal symptoms and I wasn't even craving for a joint or a bong hit even ONCE all throughout the night. but god damn. I tried going to bed at around 9:30, and ended up still awake at 2am. tossing and turning and doing whatever so I could sleep.

    and this morning, instead of getting up at 8-9:30 am, I woke up at 6:30.
    needless to say, it's the shittiest sleep I've ever had in about a year.

    I Guess my point is, Pot makes my life better by giving me better sleep. I forgot to mention that I had this problem before I started smoking pot, I was seriously considering sleeping pills, but I'm not a big fan of pharm, and would never consider pills unless it's SRS BZNS.

    needless to say, I'll be toking tonight to sleep better.:smoke:
    so yeah, Anyone else have problems sleeping without pot ?

  2. yep same thing here when i had to stop for a month cause i was getting dted for a job i had the worst month of sleep
  3. Go to your local drug store and buy "Melatonin" supplements, take 2-3. It's a sleeping aid, itll make you tired like weed. It's what I do if i'm dry =) Pills aren't that bad dude, but taking 5 hours to fall asleep is.
  4. Really? I'll look into it. What's melatonin anyway? is it safe ? side effects ?
  5. yeah. i'm forcing my self to go on a short t break. i expect to have a hard time sleeping tonight because of it. it sucks, its so frusterating not being able to sleep.
  6. Same here. If i smoke for say, 4 to 5 days straight, and stop abruptly, its insanely hard for me to sleep afterwords. One those nights i usually only get about 3 hours of sleep :(

    If you have to go without smoking weed, i suggest you drink herbal tea. I get episodes of insominia from time to time and when i dont have any bud, i drink some sleepy time tea. It usually helps.
  7. The first day on my t-break I was up for 36 hours straight, it was moeffin awful x 10 you'll get over it though.

  8. Do some research on it. From what I've heard, its your body's natural compound to enable sleep, however when you start using it regularily you can really screw up your sleep schedules without it. This is the same reason you are having trouble sleeping without weed.
  9. I Think I'll give that a pass, and stick to weed. If I do however decide to fully quit it, then I'll def. look into it. :smoke:
  10. I find that reading especially a boring book will help put you to sleep before bed but you have to force yourself to read a specified amount of pages.
  11. The reason that weed helps you sleep i believe is because it increases your melatonin levels.

    Supply your body with something that it normally produces, it'll stop producing as much. Simple as that. Melatonin is perfectly safe, but its not smart to become reliant on anything. It seems like you're scared of being reliant on the pills to sleep, but you're just as reliant to weed, and they're both pretty much just as safe as far as I know... well except you aren't harming yourself with smoke with melatonin pills.
  12. I don't really rely on weed for sleep, good sleep is a nice side effect of smoking, weed makes everything awesome, I doubt melatonin supplements would. lol
  13. i fall asleep fast high but the quality of it is horrible, compared to sober sleep.
  14. I heard smoking weed before going to bed fucks with your RMA or something, so you wake up tired. I don't exactly remember.
  15. rem sleep
  16. this cant be true. i smoke almost every day and after 8 or 9 hours of sleep i wake up and i don't feel tired.
  17. I had an incredibly shitty sleep last night after smoking for 2 days in a row then stopping, can't imagine a year.
  18. I bet it does effect your REM cycle if you are not a daily smoker. But I barely even get that high anymore, and it only lasts like 30min.

    I really dont see how it would effect it since 1hr after I am done smoking I am completely sober. And REM doesnt start for a little while into your sleep.
  19. #19 roma, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2010
    There was a thread on here about this with a source. You could search about this topic if you're interested. I personally don't care lol
  20. I don't know about everyone else, but I have the best sleep when I go to bed medicated. :D I feel great in the AM, and I don't wake up in the middle of the night.

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