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Harder drugs: good or bad?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by tokintilchokin, Aug 2, 2002.

  1. Shit only hard drugs i like are shrooms .
  2. is crank considered a hard, drug? qhat about fos. and lith.
  3. I dont know what those first two are you talkin about..But if that third one was lithium then hell no you cant even feel that shit...When I tried lithium all I had to do was piss and sleep.
  4. The only "Hard Drug" that i've done is ecstasy, i only did it a few times though, and now i only do natural drugs (weed, Shrooms etc.) i really want to do some Peyote but i can't get hold of any. As i haven't taken any other hard drugs i can't really say if they're good or bad, butr through seeing my friends and other people do them i have views on them. The main drugs i'd class as bad are smack and crack, because through what i've seen these are the dugs that have been most serious and changed peoples lifestyles worse than any others, coke doesn't seem bad unless you go out of control too much and let it run your life, speed doesn't seem that much of a bad drug, but it's really dirty round here, Acid doesn't seem bad at all, even if it does cause partial insanity in some cases.

  5. lithium is used to treat patients with, well, severe depression or manic depression/bipolar tendencies... i'd leave it for those who truly need it, because it is NOT good for your body, particularly your kidneys.

    as for crank, crank is basically cheaply made speed, so pretty much YES it is DEFINITELY a hard drug

    and as for fos?? don't know what it is? let us know!

  6. is crank as bad as herione or coke
  7. Hard drugs shouldn't be legal. period. My best friend died three days before he was scheduled to check into rehab after a year long downward spiral fueled by a bad herion addiction. Many of my other friends have also had near-death overdoses.

    I can understand pot, shrooms, and acid. I dont consider those to be hard drugs. lol, I've never heard of anyone having "a bad acid addiction".

    As for legalizing Mary Jane,,, jesus, Mary Jane is such a soft drug you can't even OD on it

  8. i think so. if not worse. we have alot of tweekers (epidemic would be a good word for it) in the town just 5 miles north of us. i've seen people literally waste away because of this drug. in fact i met this woman who wanted to go to jail just so she would be forced to be clean for 30 days. nevermind she was missing half her teeth, skinnier than an anorexic, with her hair falling out, she was just tired of not sleeping. just because it's not glamourized by movies as much as heroin and coke have been doesn't, by ANY means, make it less dangerous. IMHO of course, but i've seen the damage it can do.
  9. I've tweaked and was up for 2 days straight....It was just gay, felt like a caffeine rush for a real long time

  10. if hard drugs were legal, overdoses would be practically nonexistant, as the purity would remain the same from bag to bag.
  11. some good some bad. and it's differant for every person.

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