Happy 4th of July

Discussion in 'General' started by KillerSmoke, Jul 4, 2007.

  1. You too!

    Don't blow off a finger.
  2. I already made that mistake last year ;)
  3. Well I live in Cali and I couldn't get any good fireworks because I haven't been able to get a hold of any of my firework connects. I don't think they got any either because of all the checkpoints on the border bewteen Cali/Nevada. There's always next year though.
  4. Durchii like big boom.

  5. Fireworks kick sooooo much ass.
    I was shooting some off earlier, and there will be PLENTY more tommorow. Courtesy of Indiana, theyre illegal here, meh.
  6. I have about 1000 bottle rockets to set off tomorrow. As well as watching the big ones in town.
  7. damn sick picture durchii
  8. I don't know what I'm doing on the 4th. However one could earn a decent living smuggling fireworks into states that have illegalized them. For example in Michigan, good fireworks are illegal but everybody still has them around this time of year.
  9. I got a couple beers, did my weed pickup last night. I have tomorrow night off so I can get fucked up all day and be good :D

    I hope every has a safe & good one!
  10. A safe and good (and stoned) independence day to all.

    I'll be scouting out a parking lot to watch the fireworks from the minor league stadium here in Richmond, should be a good time.
  11. Happy fuckin 4th of July! Let the festivities begin (aka getting wasted)..oh yea, fireworks are cool too. haha

    <embed src="http://www.collegehumor.com/moogaloop/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1765324" quality="best" width="400" height="300" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
  12. red stripe and roman candles
  13. me n a few friends set some off last night. cookout today and fuckin mortars tonight ahaha
  14. Happy 4th GC, stay safe!
  15. I'm working all day today.. it's gunna suck balls, and I'm more than positive that I'm just getting regular pay.

    Oh well got some banging herb last night :smoke:

    Happy 4th everyone!
  16. Happy FOurth Blades!

    Got myself some good old Cali Mist, 2 grams of kief, and 4 grams of hash. Gonn make for a DAMN good night.

    The fireworks up here on are SATURDAY, unless you go to town, at the lake (Bastards want more tourists I guess, lol) but Im takin this gorgeous girl with me. So it'll be a good night also :)
  17. lol smoke n toke, whatever kind of bud i got all i gotta do is read your posts and just the description of the shit you get makes me hella jealous....enjoi
  18. Is July 4th America's birthday? I should probably know this..
  19. lol, thanks :p Where you located bro, cali's got the finest 'dro :p

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