Hammocks and hedges

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Luckyledog, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. #1 Luckyledog, Sep 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2011
    These are my little girls out here. My girls 4 "only two pictured". have been topped at least six times. They are also heavily tied down. My smallest girl is around five feet and my largest being almost seven. They just started flowering about two weeks ago. I can literally watch these flowers grow. Hope this helps you out. denieddd.

    Best part about my grow this year is when I through a birthday party at my house. My mom commented on how lovely my hedges where, and when did you have those put in? I smiled, paused....and said those aren't hedges mom

    Last picture is the day of the birthday party, so I'm making sure it looks good. And if you haven't noticed so far. Yes I'm the dog. This is my grow. My cards legit! and F**K all kitlers! if you don't know what they are google it.


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