It used to be the stones, Eric Clapton, Madonna, and prince, and now it's black eyed peas and Bruno Mars? Red hot chili peppers should've done it themselves and I could group it with the greats because the chili peppers are fucking locs, incredibly talented musicians, real rock, not this faggoty "your beautiful" bullshit. Fuck the half time show. I can't wait till the chili peppers come home to Cali. Come up north to the Bay Area and I'll be there. Fuck the half time show, and fuck faggoty fags like Bruno Mars.
Lol so much anger over a pointless, commercial event. The super bowl has sucked since, hm pretty much always. I don't like Bruno Mars but he's still way better than that dried up skank Madonna
OMG that commercial sucked! OMG that halftime show sucked! OMG this game sucks! ....who cares bro? I feel like some people just watch the whole event to criticize it
[quote name="CMGarcia55" post="19455328" timestamp="1391393025"]What are locs?[/quote]love of cripsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Why would you choose that choice of wording? Let's use negative words to describe everything? That's a stupid way of saying it. Madonna is indeed a dried up skank, but she is/was a legendary musician. It most def has not always been shitty. I chose to express my pejoration for the halftime show because I can. I'm just an expressionative guy. And I am fully aware that that is not a word, but I don't even give a hoot.
[quote name="UnsuspiciousUsername" post="19455490" timestamp="1391394842"]Speaking of jokes-Knock knock[/quote]Who's thereSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app