Half 1/8 of shrooms..

Discussion in 'General' started by Del420, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. Im considering taking about a half 8th of shrooms tomorrow during school.. Do ya'll think I'll be okay? I've already tripped like 8 times or so, all of those exceeded 3g. Any feedback would be appreciated..

    Forgot to add.. I go to school stoned all the time, hanv't gotten caught and im chill with most of the security guards about it.. I think I'll be okay..
  2. i wouldnt, but thats just me.

    I dont like being around sober people when im tripping, plus authority figures and work and walking around school, sitting class, PE..... Nah.....

    Stick to the ganj at school, or take some pills.
  3. You could probably pull it off but i really don't think id enjoy a shroom trip while in school. I would so much rather be outside jsut enjoying the beauty of nature and not being stuck in a class where i have to worry about looking, acting, talking .... normal. Save it for the weekend or something....
  4. i didnt realize you said half a 1/8th. Ive never eaten that little of an amount.
  5. I havn't either.. All my doses were higher.. thats why im not sure if I should..
  6. i dont think you would trip balls on that amount, it sould probably relax you, make colors maybe look a little cooler.

    Fuck it, try it.
  7. i dont think you would trip balls on that amount, it sould probably relax you, make colors maybe look a little cooler.

    Fuck it, try it.
    Lmao gilligan ur too funny...
    Not as funny as this...I NEVER tried shrooms yet :(
    ive been trying to get an amount possible...i havent been able to get any..since its not growing season and all
  8. ive never tried 'em either, but im curious. How much $$ would it cost to get enough for 1 night 'o trippin
  9. half an 8th's called a 16th dude....lol

    what is that....like....a gram and a half...fuck dude, might as well try it...just make sure you have some sun glasses or something in case your pupills get all dialated. As far as getting caught goes, the only way you even could get caught is if somebody checked out your eyes.. :hippie: maintaining on a gram and a half of shrooms should be easy, should be a lot of fun too man!!
  10. it's kind of suspisous for someone to be wearing sunglasses in the middle of class. For that person asked how much they will need, just eat a half eigth. Smoke a bowl after eating them to help relax the trip.
  11. Tell them you got your pupils dilated.

    Shroom prices are different in different areas. I usually pay for shrooms what i pay for regular weed, if i even pay for the shrooms. They dried ones are good, the ones grown from spore, and those are the ones i pay 25 for a quarter, but i know people with cow fields, so we will go pick a grocery sack full, sell enough to buy some weed, then keep the rest of them.

    Inside a major city, or up where it is colder, i think they run 20-30$ an 1/8th, but im not sure.
  12. I would not either, it is impossible to concentrate and somebody would probably catch on to you. Espicially if you start staring off, or by the way you may act. I would not find it enjoyable being school on shrooms.
  13. i'd immagine youll be all figitey because thats sure as hell what shrooms make me do... if u are going to do it i sugest bringing a notebook with you or something just to write in to keep your mind and body off of aimlessly fucking around with shit like i know i would do, good luck with that one tho let us know how it turns out :D
  14. Heres my report.. First hour class we were reviewing shit for tests on cultures of africa.. Something about tribes putting clay plates between their lips.. Pretty gross. Then 2nd hour I started to get more into a trance.. Designs were cool, and I got no work done on the computer. Ended up staring at my shirt and the carpet the entire time. 3rd hour my trip was gone and I was upset because my entire class was bitching about who knows what. I was a bit nervous because a cop that arrested me was talking with me in the hallway.. I really advise against anyone else tripping while at school.

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