Had an oxy for the first time yesterday.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Sir Tokes Alot, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. My friend broke his ankle so he has a presciription for oxy's and yesterday we were blazing and he gave me one to try because I have only had hydrocodone in the past. It got me pretty high. I won't do that often though but it is nice for once in a while.
  2. what mg was it?
  3. no clue. all it said on the bottle was somethin like 5/325 mg. Don't know shit about oxy so don't know what that means
  4. oh cool, oxys pretty bomb, try more next time.
  5. didn't wanna take more then 1. I generally stick to weed and am pretty paranoid about "hard drugs"

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