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Had a Whitey

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jakepriestley, May 28, 2009.

  1. So yesterday i had my first whitey, if you dont know what that means it is when you smoke to much weed for your body and you start losing vision, vomit etc. And, i've got one more spliff left, and i am planning to only have a couple of drags at the minute. Is it possible to be sick of that, or will i have a normal high ??
  2. I've never had a 'whitey' before and I smoke a lot of weed..

    I say smoke it! :smoking:
  3. If you dont smoke it, you'll die.

  4. It's called greening out. I've never heard the term 'whitey' in relation to this either.

    Use some self control next time.
  5. Or "Im Buggin Out Man!" Ha Entourage ftw.

  6. Whitey is what we call 'greening out' over here in England.
  7. Ahhhh. Thanks, I never knew that :)
  8. We call it whitey in scotland, and seems to happen when you smoke so rapidly the carbon monoxide affects you.
  9. Yeah in the UK 'Whitey' referes to you going pale white
    after having one too many and you puke and loss of
    vision ETC.

    Greening out means the same thing.

    also smoke the joint!
  10. could be the tobacco that makes you whitey because it does with me .. fuck spliffs
  11. I hate it when people put it in a bong. EW!
  12. Lol I'm British and thus familiar with baccy/weed joints, but christ ive never seen someone put tobacco in a bong lol
  13. he's saying fuck spliffs not joints. in America a spliff is weed and tobacco.

  14. My dealer buts baccy in his bong. Lol.
  15. I never heard of it actually having a term.

    I usually stop smoking way before this, cause it stops getting higher.

    I'm not sure why anyone would push it, seems like a waste.
  16. You Irish?
  17. There's been instances where I've taken too big of a rip and would experience short-term nausea; however, it's never occurred from just constant smoking, because Lord knows I've smoked a lot of green in a short duration.

    If you're smoking spliffs constantly then I could only imagine how sick you would feel after smoking way to much tobacco. So maybe this could be the reason for your "whitey".

    Also, smoking big hits of plant resin can induce this feeling. So if you're smoking from a water pipe try to keep it relatively clean of resin and your hits will be more smooth.

    Anyways, I have found that if you sit down, focus on your breathing to get your mind of the sickness, the nausea will usually pass after about five minutes and you can go on about your business. Sometimes there may be a headache that will follow, so pop a couple Aspirin or Ibuprofen and take care of it ;)
  18. In scotland, or where im from we call it a whitey :)
    never heard greening out :O

    also OP.. YES.
    I've went on a whitey once, i rekon it was because i had the worst paranoia ever haha, only time ive had it though :(
  19. we take a healer hit, probably a placebo but works.
  20. If your having a whitey, smoking even more is just wasting weed.

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