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Had A Rough Time Last Vape

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by shadrachdingle, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Hello, I've never smoked much grass in my life, infact in 35 years I've barely reached double figures.
    My friend has a Da Vinci vaporizer, which I liked because I'm asthmatic, and had given up regular cigarettes for a while. About once a month for a while he'd bring it around and it gave me the giggles for a bit, then super relaxation as if someone was masaging my neck (which I love)
    Until the other day he gave me some and I got a bit excited and had more than I usually have. i started to get very paranoid and went to bed, I barely could catch my breath, was shivering and sweating too, even grinding my teeth. someone said I could have had a panic attack. Is that even possible? I always thought it would put you in a relaxed state. I've been eyeing up a MFLB for a while as I just want to relax on the sofa and feel totally mellow, but now I'm worried this will happen again. Could it have been laced with something? Just a one off perhaps? Has it Happened to anyone else?

  2. I read the thread title as "rough time in Las Vegas" Too bad i'm wrong  :confused_2:
  3. Well, for starters you said you had more than you usually would. I'd call this a whitey.. not laced. Although I guess it could've had some jwh sprayed on it...
  4. There are two main varieties of marijuana: cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. A 100% indica will make you relaxed, tired, and give you more of a body high. This sounds like what you experienced when you vaped before and is probably what you are looking for. A 100% sativa will make you feel more energetic, creative and more of a head high than a body high. Sativas also are more likely to make you paranoid, anxious, and in general give you a bad experience if you are prone to these things when high. I would guess that your previous positive vape experiences were with an indica dominant strain of marijuana and the rough time you had was with a more sativa dominant strain. It also could have just been that you smoked too much. Most likely it was a combination of the two
    If you are not in a medical state or do not know who grew the weed then it can be difficult to know whether you have an indica or sativa. Most street weed is a hybrid between the two. An indica would give you the effects you want and would likely not cause a panic attack. Even if you smoked a lot you would probably fall asleep before you got paranoid (if it was a really strong indica at least). I would ask around and try to find an indica. Also if you are not a frequent smoker take it slow. You can always smoke more later  but if you get to high you cant change it you just have to ride it out. 
  5. Sent from my SM-T217S using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Happened to me a few times when I first started using MMJ. You just took a bit too much. Next time wait 5mins between draws to find your limit.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. Small hits, use less!
  8. dude your high as fuck, hahah its not laced :p, i get like that but 100x worse when i bong hit ;)

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