Guys think about sex every...and girls think about sex every...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by sensimil, May 2, 2003.

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  1. Actually not too often at all, maybe i think about it a few times a week, and even at that i don\'t think too hard about it. Sex itself is actually kind of a turn-off to me, if that makes any sense, mostly because it always seems to complicate life. It\'s not like i don\'t like it, cause i do, a lot, but it\'s just that if i\'m gonna do it i don\'t want to just hump and bust a nut, i want to give pleasure to a woman i love.

    Besides, what is supposed to be sexy is crammed down our throats endlessly by mass media that i can\'t think about sex without an accompanying sickening image of some anonymous dumb flitatious skinny scantily clad chicks actin\' like ho\'s, and that\'s not what does it for me. Introduce me to a woman who is plain looking, modest, and intellectual, and it\'s a bigger turn on than the hottest centerfold.

    I sometimes get a stiffy tho when i think about my bike, and i think about my bike/riding like 25 times a second. how fucked up is that?
  2. It is awesome to find a girl you can talk to, one that has a brain. It\'s especially cool when they really just do their own thing and don\'t give a fuck about the masses. Now I need to find a hot girl like that :D A plain girl is always fine. Plain girls are still attractive. They aren\'t hot, but you don\'t have to have a hot girl, just someone you\'re attracted to. And I find that hot girls with no brain suddenly become unattractive to me.
  3. Yeah, and especially for me it\'s hard to find anyone, male or female that can engage in conversation with my level of thought. I\'ve always had a problem with social interaction ever since i started kindergrten because while all the other kids were fingerpainting and eating paste i was learning programing languages, studying stuff like electronics, mechanical engineering, aerospace technologies, all on my own. I didn\'t think i was any different than anyone else till grade school when they started taking me out of class and testing me. In first grade i remeber they pulled me out of class and gave me psychological exams, IQ, and grade placement tests. Later on i found out that some of those tests were tough college entrance exams and i breezed through \'em. I carried the hunger for learning into adulthood and finally when i got old enough to realize it, i saw that people were scared and intimidated by my intellect. Once i had a girlfriend, and she told me one time that my intellect makes her feel stupid, and that i scare her beacuse it seems there\'s nothing i don\'t know, and it seems inhuman to her. I went through stages of life where i preteneded i was very unintelligent, just so people wouldn\'t hate on me but i found i was only hurting myself.

    Actually i guess i just kind of gave up on having sexual relations because of the fact that i feel i can\'t have an intimate relationship with anyone without causing them to feel inferior, and i don\'t want to hurt anyone in that way, because it had happened so many times, and when a girl cries and tells me that my mind scares her, snd she feels like there\'s nothing she can give me except for physical pleasure, i feel pretty shitty, and i don\'t want to feel like that.

    All i ask for in a relationship is the possibility of being someone\'s equal and for the possibility that there is a girl who can love me without fear of being inferior. I don\'t look down on anyone, because everyone is a genius is some way, it\'s just that it\'s not always evident, even to themselves.
  4. i\'m usually too busy working on something or designing something to think about sex. maybe i\'m thinkin about it somewhere in the back of my mind but i dont notice it:)
  5. Ok to not give the wrong impression or anything, yea I think about sex, but no not a lot, of course anything can get you thinking about it. But..

    Im always so damn stoned all the time and ever since I started doin shrooms and stuff all I really think about all day is life and its many questions, and the universe, and especially where my next bag is coming from. Hell most of my day involves me vibing out to music too. Now what would be perfect would be for me to find a girl that does this same sorta stuff, and we can mellow out through life.

    One day..

    Toke on

  7. its true... dispel the myth, women are randy fuckers too (i was the only guy in my art college year).

    u say not to generalise, but what are you doing when u seperate to male / female and sexuality. are we not all individuals?
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