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GUYS! How do you like your pussy?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by fuckthecops, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Lol just curious, how much/little pubic hair you prefer? Say your age too because I think there is a generational gap on this as far as preferences go.
  2. sandy...very, very hair though
  3. Soft, hairy, and purring.

    ...wait you are talking about cats right?

  4. Sorry i dont understand...

  5. He likes shaved cats covered in sand duh.
  6. To the guys saying they like it completely shaven, is it really a deal breaker? Like if you were about to smash a girl but she had it neat and trimmed, would you just go soft? or what?
  7. Not a deal breaker if there's hair, but I would much prefer that there was none.
  8. I'm 19. My girl keeps it perfectly shaven, which is the best. But I'd still smash a girl with a landing strip. But if she has any more than that little patch, its a turn off. Hellll naw
  9. once im in the zone, im not gonna back out lol but i prefer less pubes so in order
    1. perfectly clean
    2. landing strip
    3. trim
    4. jungle (yuck)
  10. So we're not talking about cats?

  11. how old are you?
    Don't forget your ages guys!
  12. Never been a real big fan of thickets.
  13. im 24 maaaaaaaaan

    how old are you broseph
  14. none of those is a dealbreaker for me but i'd prefer at least a nice trim.

    i r 19.
  15. Who the hell would vote/voted "Jungle"?

  16. people from the 60s and 70s were into that shit lol

    the whole clean shaven thing didnt startt up until later

  17. 19 and not a bro lol
  18. You a hoe then or just a dick which is why you aint a bro?
  19. I like my pussy ready to eat. But on a serious note, I'd say anything but stubble will be just fine. Oh and I'm 25.
  20. I can understand why guys wouldnt want a full bush down there, but why do so many guys say they want it totally smooth shaven.... are you all pedos? Why do you want to feel like you're doin it to a little girl?

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