guy looks like jesus

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tha D Man, May 1, 2011.

  1. I just saw the coolest thing. on youtube there this dude that has a bunch of bing hit videos, and he looks like a stoner jesus....and he is gnarley, he hits em like a pro.:smoking:

    heres a link YouTube - Kanaal van MassaChiefa420
  2. How do you know what Jesus looks like?

    You do realize Jesus was brown right?
  3. Fooey.
  4. how do you know?
  5. Maybe because he was born in the Middle East about 2011 years ago?

    Obviously I can't be definite but if there was a way to know for sure I'd put money on it.
  6. maybe he stayed inside alot and got whiter.. haha
  7. Poor bastard lost that nice glass collection to the lawman. bummer
  8. lol jesus was definitely japanese
  9. The real face of Jesus.

  10. PROOVE to me there was a jesus.
  11. PROOVE to me there wasn't.
  12. jesus was the guy who hang out in the slums and got drunk and spit some knowledge while intoxicated... he just happened to be in the right place at the right time
  13. Ok, im going to believe story's that have been passed from person to person for thousands of years. Have you ever played chinese whispers?
  14. Prooove to me there is science to proove to me that there is infact a jesus who got so pissed off at the world he created gravity and god told a very philosophical thinker what he was doing to ruin all the days of man floating around jesus just made sure no one found the secret glitch to do it on their own.
  15. It's pretty much universally believed that Jesus was a real person.

    Believe what you want about what he did, but it's probable that he at least existed.

  16. Science has already proven that one wrong ;D
  17. Wow that was deep. Thanks for the lesson.

  18. Has it really? How so? And I definitely believe there was a Jesus and that he claimed he was the Son of God and all that. But what I don't believe is that there is an actual God in the sky that made everything. I mean that's just ridiculous. I believe Jesus was just some dude that wanted to change the world for the better. He didn't perform miracles and have supernatural powers. The people who wrote the bible, hundreds of years later, just put that stuff in so it would be more believable to everyone else.
  19. #19 Willie The Pimp, May 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    It's the Turin shroud, carbon dating placed the date of it to somewhere way after when Jesus is believed to have lived.

    I'd find a source but I'm on my phone, google it and you should get results.

  20. this sounds about right. Like some Buddha kind of stuff. Jesus was just a down ass homie, spreadin words of love peace etc. etc. no super mystical powers and shit. Look how easy people are to trick/ scare today, into getting useless vacines making billions of $ for pharm corps because of some INSERT ANIMAL NAME HERE flu. it must have been RIDICULOUS easy 2000+ years ago feel me?

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