Guten tag

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Schad3nfreude, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Greetings grasscity,

    Perhaps I should have done this yesterday when I was actually new, but better late than never I suppose! So here I am gc, Schad3nfreude on deck.

    Wishing you well. :smoke:
  2. Ah fuck...I thought I was going to read German.

    Bah! Hallo.:cool:
  3. Ich kann sprech Deutsch auch. Danke schon. ;)
  4. Ich nicht sehr gut...Pretty sure I fucked that sentence high and mighty.:cool:
  5. are you here to shmoke das kannabis?
  6. Ja! And relax with mein fellow blades of course! ;)

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