guise my friend died from a marijuana overdose last year, just spreading the news..

Discussion in 'General' started by feudalism, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. He was invited by the "cool kids" to hang out at some kids house whose liberal parents had left for the weekend.

    My friend, always a moral and thoughtful individual, wanted to attend because it was one of those massive house parties that he'd never been to.

    Well, as was later recalled by some of his friends at the party, he was pressured into smoking marijuana. He ended up smoking the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes.

    Not long after he went into convulsions and started foaming at the mouth. The people at the party held back calling 9/11 for almost 10 minutes.

    When the paramedics finally arrived they could do nothing to save him.

    The autopsy revealed he had 3 times the lethal dosage of THC in his blood.

    But I'm sure everyone here will deny my story and the fact that my friend died after smoking that illegal narcotic.
  2. pics or it didnt happen
  3. Lol what the fuck.

    Strong rep count to post content ratio.

    Loling at "the entire pack of marijuana cigarettes"

    Yea one time i ODED too man. I ended up in bed fucking my girl, watching friday, and eating donuts for like ten hours straight. Shit was scary.
  4. correct
  5. LOL I think I saw this on yahoo answers
  6. He is in my thoughts. RIP.
  7. seen it on here and many other places before lol
  8. Haha you copied and pasted this from some God loving kid on Yahoo answers, i read it a few days ago. The "liberal parents" part gave it all away :D nice try though, and foaming from the mouth couldn't happen from a over dose of anything.

    There are specific things that cause someone to foam from the mouth, rabies being one of them and hydrophobia.

    I know your just trolling though :p

  9. Stimulant over doses cause seizures, which cause foaming hahahahahhaha
    as do other ones, but generally there is a seizure involved when foaming happens
  10. #10 Solipsist NPC, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2011
    My brain is to stupid to comprehend satire. Prepare to tell OP you can't OD on weed.

  11. Perhaps trolling to open ideas?

  12. Oh, i looked up drug overdoses and it said it cant cause foaming from the mouth, solvents are different, and seizures makes sense, thanks haha i have learnt so much none marijuana stuff from GC it's amazing :D
  13. i bet you were so high to actually post it and the fact im stoned feels how I laugh at it and get it? you know?

  14. Kinda like inception ? :smoke:
  15. no its true, I am the liberal home owner.

  16. But..but, you cant be, your IP address says you live near or in NY..:eek:
  17. And seriously, who the fuck calls them 'marijuana cigarettes' these days? Certainly no one who would frequent a pot forum.
  18. Guys OP is being 100% super serial! My cousin who was also a close friend OD'd from marijuana pills.

  19. And furthermore susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoke marijuana cigarettes... reefers :smoking:

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