Well when I started out with 8 plants under 1200 watts of hps I was hoping on at least 2 pounds I have done over 2 with 3 plants before anyways I flowered 6 of them 1 was an experiment and 1 was a bagseed but I have 2 white widow and 2 supercritical the widows buds are dense the supers are huge but airy I am now starting week 8 of flower I had an overdose of tigerbloom mishap but they bounced back as well as can be expected I have no clue what my net weight will be but I just want to guess for the fun of it not counting trim bud only dried buds I am thinking 22 oz total I may be way off time will tell any body venture to guess ? The results will be in in about 3 weeks
that little green one is the one i am most exited about it is cookies blanco it may only yield an ounce but it is sure to be fire
You have 6 plants, right? If they're all like the ones I see, put my guess down as a little under 2lbs. Okay, I'll be specific. 30oz.