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growshop/selfmade grow equip

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by bboy, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. dunno if its allowed (id like to ask for a good shop with growing equipment) cuz GC is just a headshop^^

    and if not plz tell me so ill delete the first line^^

    second question is : can i also use normal cheap lamps and selfmade stuff for growing?
  2. dont know about line #1

    #3 CFL are cheapest and yes u can use self made stuff Check DIY threads

    read the stickys, then read some more, and then read some more...... any question you have chances are they have been answered.
  3. lol yeah its ok to ask ..just not ok to post with no intention other then to advertise.( I could be very wrong though, in which case August West will let us know :eek: )

    I use these guys... discount-hydro ... there are a few more in the "A.B. links page" thread.

    other then that Man, hit the Absolute Beginners stickys..and read, formulate a plan, read some more, double check your plan, and grow then :smoke:


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