Most street lights are hps, mh, or mercury vapor and are mostly 175w. Can you use this to grow? Im not suggesting stealing street lights, but i live in a very rural area and ppl buy their own and put them up. I have a few in my yard that no one will miss. On a side note, i bought an ashcatcher for my grommet bong but it has a long ass neck and for some reason, a carb? idk either but ive been usin it as a bubbler and I.Am.High i didnt realize it had a carb until i got home....paying attention is worth every penny.
Usually the ballast is attached this adds a lot of weight and heat...just a heads up. It is very easy to work with just a socket, bulb, and relfelctor rather than a 15 pound ballast.
I actually have a friend that had a 1000w hps ballast/socket attached to each other. i didnt ask where he got it. i noticed the light cord was cut but i actually took it apart. cut off the socket from the ballast and rewired the entire thing putting a 7' cord on the and kept everything else intact in the ballast. Works fine now. even tinknocked a reflector for him with 6'' ducting flanges. He deffinetly got the cheap end of the deal. gave me 2oz. in his first harvest with that sucka.