Growing with parents?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by joebob13, Sep 20, 2007.

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm thinking about starting a grow, but there is the obvious problem of my parents. I live with my father, I have a room to myself and I only share the house with my dad and little sister. They both keep out of my room and aren't even home very much. I have a closet thats cluttered with shit, so maybe building a cabinet of sorts and growing in there is an option, since no one will look in it.

    Anyone have any tips on concealing plants etc with parents around? I only plan on growing like one or two plants, for shits and giggles really.
  2. I would wait till outdoor season comes around
  3. Thats a good point. Still, I'd like to grow some little lowriders or something just for funsies if nothing else... plus, finding a place to plant weed around a crowded-ish surburban area like this and check up on it every day won't be easy either...
  4. well if you live with your dad its really not a good idea too grow pot in there house, but if they know you smoke and are alright with a plant in his house go for it, but a simple way would be a large cardboard box with 4 daylight cfls in it and a 8 inch fan in the back bottem left, and for exhuast a good idea is too cut a 8 inch hole int he top and put dryer sheets over it to cover up any scent that may or maynot come out. if you like i could give you pictures of my set up.
  5. Did you Try asking them?
  6. Ha, I wish my dad was cool with it. He probably wouldn't do much if he caught me, he used to be a big time stoner when he was a teenager through college. Still, he is against drug use and I don't think he would take very well to it, let alone advocate it.
  7. idk my mom always knew i smoked weed and then one day when i was 16 i told her i had some plants in my window sill. then a week later i had some fluros in a box.

    a month or so later i got a good deal on a 400w hps and now i am a senior in high school and i have been growing weed ever since. cant get a bigger light till i move out though :(
  8. Dude i thought my parents would mind.. but i came out and ask them if i could grow 1-2 plants to see if i can doo it soo i could save some money seeing i smoke over 28g a week..

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