Growing question

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Dro man, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. yo wats up gc,

    ive never grown before and i wanted to try it so i germinated about 10 seeds in a wet paper towel and about four or five of them sprouted roots a couple big ones i now have it in a 2 liter in my frends closet growin

    so i was wonderin wats the best way to take care of your plants so they grow nice and healthy
  2. You read the info scattered all over this site dumbass....or read the threads put there by the is so annoying when people ask questions like you did when all the info is on this first page...dumbass:D
  3. I'll just echo the thought that you need to read the grow guides and other sticky posts at the top of each forum, they cover all the basics so that we don't have to try to answer the same questions over and over and over.

    Growing MJ is not about following a checklist, it is about understanding how the plant grows and what it needs. You need to learn that, and the stickies are a good place to start.
  4. You really need to figure out what your budget is then you can figure out what supplies and equipment you will be gathering.

    A budget grow should always begin at the dollar store, wal-mart, home-depot, etc, but if money is not an object then that means you have limitless options for t3h fancy shmancy. You should get Cervantes grow DVD, I find that's a nice alternative to reading endless posts on forums. Watch it a couple times and you'll notice different things each time.

    Good luck and be safe!
  5. It's quite simple bro. Plants need just a few things to grow, and you know them all without me even telling you.
    1. A grow medium ie. Earth, Pearlite, etc.
    2. Light. ie. Sun, HPS Lamps
    3. Food. ie. Fert.
    4. Air.

  6. 5. water

  7. another movie id recommend is "ready set grow".

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