Growing pains

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Gogreen024, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. First off thanks to grasscity. and all members for helping each other. Been learning to growing for around 1 year now with what I can and been reading the forums for more info. This is my first coco grow now that I'm in a legal state.
    Started from store bought clones.
    Getting rust like spots on upper leaves did read on plants " bleaching" so I moved the LEDs to almost 24" away.

    -Coco mix with perlite
    -Ph between 5.4 to 6.2
    -Temp 22°c to 29°c ( 70°f to 80°f)
    -Ppm not quite sure I dropped the ball on that one, my ppm meter is not calibrated.
    -Advanced nutrients Grow A&B pH balanced.
    - Voodoo juice
    -Super thrive
    - Using 1 MarsHydro 300w Led ( 140w actual from wall) older model full spectrum. 20" to 24" away fro top off plants.
    - And 5 cfl 5000k and 1 2700k cfl for support lighting.
    - My Humidity is in the crapper at 10% till I can get a humidifier.
    - Running Led 20 hrs on 4 off
    - CFLs 24 hrs on.
    Any advice would help I will admit that I'm not the sharpest knife in the draw. Thanks to all, happy 420

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  2. Looking good, do you spray/drop any water directly onto your plants ever? If so, this could be an issue with the lights as close as they are to the plant. You should always try to avoid getting water on your plant ever. . At all.

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  3. Thanks for your reply, and yes I do spray them. And this is why I desided to finally join a forum , I read many different ways of grow and constant watching YouTube videos and iv seen grows spray their plants. Have done it before but only using CFLs, this burning started shortly after I started using the mars hydro, But its at 24" from the top. :thumbsdown:
  4. This is the coco i use $2.90 a brick don't know if its a cheap brand , I mix it with perlite.

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  5. Hi. I wood like into nitogen content in ya feed. Purple staks and yellow leafs can be a nitrogen prob. Not saying it is but worth checking. I always fiolir feed my plants. Av done for seven yrs!!! Wi various things for varoius reasons . I do it before lights off so no chance of burnin. Sometimes i spray clean water first then foilor spray. If my humidity low i always spray all around grow room or tent to increase humidity. Up to yet doin it this way i av never burnt a leaf or hurt my plants.. spraying wi correct thing at correct time will not hurt ... hope this hellps . Gud luk love x
  6. Iv started fiolir watering when I turn off my led, I run the led about 20 hrs per day and keep the cfls on 24 hrs a day, maybe the intensity with the LEDs was burning them. Also I was out of nutrients for about a week just got some jungle juice and fed them and they look a lot better already.
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  7. Hi . Ye. Ya lites prob were the problem if on all time.. glad jungle juice got em sorted for ya. It must have more of the nutes ya plant needed. Good luck lve xx
  8. Doing better, wont be using coco anymore going to try soil or soilless mix maybe some ocean frost or happy frog, if to expence I'll research on making my own..

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  9. Girls are doing very well for the conditions they are in, more upgrades soon to come. 90% chance I won't be using led for flower highly considering HP's/mh. Due to my budget.

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