Growing Naturally?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by SmokingFIRE, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. I just have a few questions regarding outdoor growing...

    1) If I dug a hole and just put some good store-bought soil in there would it grow fine? If so, How deep should the hole be?
    2) If I was going to use a bucket to grow my plant in, How many gallons should it be?

    Thanks to anyone who answers in advance, I really appreciate it GC. :smoking:
  2. Someone help?
  3. Lots of stickies to read.....
  4. Ground is better than container, store bought soil is better than clay just make sure theres no ferts in it. And containers can be anywhere from 1-80 gallons, the more the better.

    but you realize unless you can't plant now

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