growing in plastic cups

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Hippy_Hay, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. how long can i let my plants grow in plastic cups b4 i have to transplant them?
  2. the simple answer is: until they get too big. I've had clones growing in 18 oz. Solo cups for about 4 wks while waiting for me to get bigger pots. When I did repot, I noticed some of the roots working their way out of the drain holes in the bottom.
  3. It's a good idea to transplant once you see that the roots are at the bottom of the drain holes. Or if you flower early you'd need to transplant them a week or so before flowering so they adjust from the shock.
  4. That all will depend on how you intend to grow and how big are the cups?
    Seeds start to finish?
    Seeds for a good mother then clone and flower the all female clones?
    What kinda lights R U gonna use?
    Toss me a lil' more info....:cool:
  5. A friend of mine germinated some seeds in plastic Solo cups. He transplanted them after about 10 days and the roots were already at the bottom of each cup.
  6. well im working with a small dresser about 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide

    im starting with seeds from a bag of some good shit i bought the other day

    im using CFL's and i definetly plan on LST'ing

    i guess what this question really boils down to is how big of a pot would i need if i
    vegged for about a month
  7. i say 2 too 3 gallon, i bet you could leave them in the cups for 3 weeks transplant them into 2-3 gallon pots ont he 3rd week give them a week to recover then start flower then you could finish up there growth in those 2-3 gallon pots.
  8. later when ya have a coupla grows under yur' belt you can use smaller containers....but fer yer' now use something 1 gallon or larger .....larger pots are more "Forgiving"

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