Growing In PA

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by FloatOn77, Nov 19, 2004.

  1. Hey, I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There is a spot outdoors to grow with large amounts of sunlight, I was planning on planting around April. There are Deer, and a lot of rain in Pittsburgh, but the tempuratures seem suficient(sp?)

    idk just telll me what you think
  2. It should be fine, just be weary of heavy rainfall, and start your plants off indoors so they are strong enough to endure rain and wind.
  3. PA is beautiful, good luck growing which is probably gonna be the same time for me, this upcoming april.
  4. its easy to grow here in pittsburgh but deer are a problem. you can either fence off your plants with chicken wire or anything along thoes lines or find a place where deer arnt. and yes there are some places like that.

    this past year i had 2 plants reach just under 6ft. and with the constant rain here you never need to water.

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