Growing In A Bag Of Dirt.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BBK, May 30, 2014.

  1. I have a nice little sweet spot that is out of the way of everyone and everything but, for one problem. It is almost a swamp and way too wet. In theory could i get a bag of dirt lay it on the ground and cut a small hole in it and let the moisture leech through? Thoughts would greatly be appreciated.
  2. Sir you have been smoking too much of the reefer.

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  3. I mean wicking is possible on some level but dik
  4. You can grow in a bag but the moisture below the bag won't water your plants..
  5. Everyone is doubting it, but I wouldn't under estimate how well the wick system can work. You would need a fairly large bag. And plastic bags are going to make it hot. Putting a bag with a hole in water will honestly probably drown or cause root rot before it gets too dry.

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