Growing advice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by lexus727, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. I've started growing and its going really well.
    I got two little babies who have just started vegetation. However now I am going away for Christmas and I won't be able to give them any attention for a little more than three weeks. I have a light set up on a timer and I am going
    to set up a dripper system [any suggestions].

    Do you have any advice on keeping the plants stable whilst I am away, and is this a safe and good idea?

  2. *bump =D anyone?
  3. Well, kudos to you for asking well ahead of time -- way too many people post on here in a panic that they are leaving town within 24 hours and suddenly decided to ask what to do.

    However...three weeks is too long to leave your plants unattended. I imagine you knew when you started your grow that you would be going away that long, the best thing would have been to ask your question before starting your grow, the advice would have been to wait to start until January.

    Sounds like you got a decent auto-pilot setup thought out, but you'll need to raise the lights during that 3-week period.

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